  • 學位論文


Brand Perspectives and Users Perception on Facebook Fan Pages of Honor Projects

指導教授 : 陳玉鈴


Facebook改變了傳統行銷模式,提供了新的可能,各大專院校的畢業製作展覽也走出傳統模式而建立粉絲專頁,但是各畢業製作粉絲專頁討論熱度甚少,按讚人數也不及其他粉絲專頁,因此本研究使用兩種研究方法,分為兩個層面研究畢製粉專,使用內容分析法探討畢業製作粉絲專頁的經營現況、品牌構面以及互動性,並使用問卷調查法瞭解粉專使用者的觀感回饋。 內容分析法研究100個粉絲專頁發現私立學校、技職體系、中、東部地區學校、設計類科系為功能性品牌構面;公立學校、大學體系、北部地區學校、傳播類科系為經驗性品牌構面,有持續經營之粉絲專頁在各構面都比無持續經營還高分,但各大院校之品牌社群互動程度皆相當低,另外問卷分析結果發現使用者除了認為畢製粉專內容不易尋找,但普遍對於粉專的科技接受度與行銷效果只呈現普通的感知,可知粉專整體經營現況並未提升使用者觀感。 建議畢業製作粉絲專頁1.延長經營周期以維持固定粉絲人數2.重視回覆留言與多發布互動貼文以維持與粉絲的互動性 3.策劃非傳播科系族群喜好的模式。


Facebook changed traditional marketing ,and provide new possibility, honor projects of tertiary institutions also use Facebook Fan Pages,but generally get poor effect,fans are less than other fan pages,The Study had two kinds methodology, The content analysis research the Current Operation,Brand perspectives and honor projects on Facebook fan pages’s interactive,and use questionnaire research users’s perception. Content Analysis from 100 Facebook fan pages found private school, Vocational school,school of east and midland area,design departments are functional brand perspective, public school,university,school of north area,communication departments are experiential brand perspective, all perception of continued operation fan pages higher than non-continued operation fan pages,but every college’s interactive is low,Result of questionnaire found users think fan page is not easy looking for content,In technology Acceptance Model and marketing effect had normal perceived,So fan pages current operation not raise users perception. The study suggest Facebook fan pages 1.extend operate cycle for keep regular fans 2.think high of respond message and increase a lot of interact post 3.plan the new preference mode for non-communication department .


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