  • 學位論文


The preparation and properties of ABS/BN thermally conductive polymer composites

指導教授 : 林國庚


本研究目的於提高導熱高分子複材之導熱性,並且與成品之實用性間研究一最佳比例配方。 吾選擇ABS為基材,高導熱性的六方氮化硼(h-BN)為導熱添加劑,佐以偶合劑,以雙螺桿熔融混練法混練,以射出型式製備試片,測量其導熱度、流變性質、機械性質等複材性質。 ABS/BN複材之導熱度隨著BN含量增加而增加,尤其BN含量大於重量百分比20%之後導熱度大幅度提升,為添加量足夠形成導熱網路所致,添加偶合劑對於導熱度亦具影響,改善介面性質效果較佳之偶合劑提升導熱度之效果亦較佳;利用流變儀測試材料熔融狀態黏彈性值以及穩態減切黏度,複材之儲存模數以及黏度皆會隨著添加BN的量而增加;複材之衝擊強度,隨著BN含量增加衝擊強度大幅度下降,添加偶合劑則可提升其耐衝擊強度;拉伸模數與彎曲模數隨BN含量增加而升高,加入偶合劑則使複材之韌性提升;SEM則可以觀察BN在基材之中的分散情形,得知材料經添加偶合劑後,介面性質明顯改善,並以此證明材料機械性質之變化趨勢。


The goal of this study is to enhance thermal conductivity of polymer composite, and find the optimal polymer matrix/filler composition between product’s thermal conductivity and practicability. Thermally conductive ABS/BN composites were prepared by melt blending with twin screw extruder. All specimens were prepared by injection molding and thermal conductivity、rheological properties and mechanical properties were investigated. Thermal conductivity of ABS/BN increased with BN content increased, an apparent increase of thermal conductivity when BN content is more than 20 wt. %, it’s believed that the BN content is sufficient to form conductive net-work. Thermal conductivity of ABS/BN composite treated with coupling agent is higher than un-treated one since the interfacial properties of composites treated with coupling agent were better. Rheological properties were tested by plate to plate and capillary rheometer. Storage modulus and viscosity of composites was increased with BN content increased. Impact strength of composite decreased sharply with BN content increased, but a slightly improvement observed on composites treated with coupling agent. Tensile and flexural modulus increased with BN content increased. Composites treated with coupling agent were tougher than un-treated ones. Morphology of ABS/BN composites were investigated by SEM. The dispersion conditions of filler in polymer matrix with or without coupling agent offered direct evidence to the variations of composites mechanical properties.


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