  • 學位論文


A Call Number based Graphical Book Positioning System for Library

指導教授 : 張玄菩


圖書館作為人類知識的存儲中心,儲存了大量紙本化資源如圖書、期刊,現今讀者服務與館藏推廣亦越來越被館方所重視。在這個趨勢下,能協助讀者定位館藏位置的系統不斷出現。然而近年經費來源縮減的趨勢衝擊下,圖書館在建製相關系統時需考量維護成本及其效益。本研究旨在開發一款基於索書號之圖書館尋書定位系統提高讀者在館內尋找實體藏書的效率,並探討圖書館尋書定位系統館內實際應用之效果。 本研究分析圖書館原有館藏配置方法及室內地理資訊系統之特點,開發一個以索書號為基礎的尋書定位系統,以圖形化的方式呈現書籍在書架上的位置,提供讀者尋書定位的服務。系統原型完成後於淡江大學內抽取20位圖書館使用者為實驗對象,利用實驗法測試受測者使用傳統方式與尋書定位系統在尋書效率上的差異。 研究結果發現,尋書定位系統顯著減少讀者尋書時間,同時受測者對此系統的定位服務表現正面。建構系統時發現,索書號的編撰與館內排架雖有規範,但在實際設置演算法時仍需進一步規格化及解析處理,是系統建構上主要困難之處。


Libraries have been the main characters of reserving human’s knowledge with a massive amount of collections which need to be well organized for searching. With the impact of technology development and library’s budget reducing nowadays, the study intends to develop a graphic book positioning system used for facilitating a patron’s searching performance in a library without extra and expensive charge for hardware construction and maintenance. The book positioning system developed based on call number which is originally designed for categorizing and distributing the collected items within a library. The implementation includes an experiment in which there are 20 participants asked to search items with and without the proposed system. The result shows the proposed book positioning system significantly reduces the time that participants spend on finding the required books. The participants are overall satisfied with the positioning functions and interface design according to user’s feedback questionnaire. The most challenging part of constructing the system is classifying the variances of the call number patterns in practice which will be our main future target for improvement


[20]Bazlan, M.J. & Rasam, A.R.A. (2012, June).Development of Geographical Based Library Information System(GeoLIS), Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC) (pp.248-252).Shah Alam, Selangor.
Doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-41674-3_197.


