  • 學位論文


A Study on the Occupational Prestige of Teachers and the Reform of Teacher Education System-A survey of teachers in four junior high schools in Taipei area

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究旨在以臺北縣市四所國中問卷調查為例,瞭解現職教師與實習教師對教師職業聲望評定結果及師資培育改革的看法。主要研究目的包括: 一、瞭解國內現行教師對教師職業聲望的看法。 二、探討不同教師背景對其職業聲望評定之異同及影響因素。 三、藉本次教師職業聲望調查結果與1979及1991年林清江所進行的兩次研究結果進行比較分析,觀察新舊制教師對教師職業聲望看法之轉變。 四、瞭解現職教師及實習教師對目前我國師資培育改革問題的看法。 五、歸納研究發現,針對我國未來師資培育制度的改革提出可供參考的建議。 根據研究發現,本研究之結論主要有三: 一、大學校長與大學教授仍為最高層次,中、小學校長次之,中、小學教師為第三層次。 二、比較三次教師職業聲望研究結果,現職教師對自身教師職業聲望層級評定的結果,與以往沒有太大改變,均為 第三 層級。 三、「根據該項職業所具有的權威性」與「工作性質是否符合專業的標準」為教師自身認定對於職業聲望層級評定結果影響最大的因素。 整體而言,本論文共分為五章。第一章為緒論,第二章為文獻探討,第三章為研究設計與實施,第四章為調查結果之分析與討論,第五章為結論與建議。


By adopting the method of questionnaire survey of teachers in four junior high schools in Taipei area, the purposes of this study are: 1. to understand the occupational prestige of teachers in Taiwan society. 2. to explore the factors influencing the attitudes of teachers with different backgrounds towards the occupational prestige of teachers. 3. to compare the findings of this survey with that of previous two surveys conducted by C. C. Lin, in 1979 and 1991, respectively. 4. to explore the similarities and differences in the attitudes towards the reform of teacher training between the qualified teachers and probationary teachers. 5. to give suggestions, based on the findings of this research, concerning the future reforms of teacher training system in Taiwan The major findings of this study are: 1.The occupational prestige of teachers in schools is, the same as the findings of the previous two studies, still ranked considerably higher, in comparison with other occupations. 2.The teachers of the universities ranked the highest, followed by the presidents of schools, and the teachers in schools accordingly. 3. ‘The degree of authority of the occupations’ and ‘the degree of fitness to the standards of professions’ are the most important factors influencing the attitudes of teachers towards occupational prestige. On the whole, this thesis is divided into five chapters. Starting with an introduction in the first chapter, the second chapter mainly reviews the related literature. After explaining the research design and process in the third chapter, the fourth chapter summarizes and analyzes the major findings of this study. Major conclusions are summarized and related suggestions are proposed in the final chapter.


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