  • 學位論文


A study on audiences behavior of information seeking and participation on public issue under new media era -take the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant as an example

指導教授 : 卓美玲


過去一般大眾對於核四議題的認知主要為透過舊媒體所產製的新聞為主,核四議題的相關資訊所能獲得的相當有限;又因為核四議題的專業性和複雜度,關注的族群大多以環保團體、貢寮居民為主,而對一般大眾來說,相較於其他民生消費的議題,核四議題屬於高門檻和非近身性議題。然而,新媒體逐漸發達後,改變人們的媒體使用習慣,人民對於資訊和新聞的獲取並不限於傳統舊媒體,新媒體開放的空間,讓核四議題能有別於過往主流媒體所賦予的報導框架,呈現草根的報導方式,這些「使用者原生內容」往往更能引起閱聽眾對議題的注意。 本研究旨在了解在新媒體時代下,閱聽人的媒體使用習慣、核四議題對閱聽人的相關性、政治自我效能、對議題風險的認知、人際影響、媒體議題效應、人口變項與閱聽人資訊尋求和公共議題參與行為的相關性。 本研究透過網路問卷調查法蒐集514份一般大眾的資料。研究結果發現:(1)不論是舊媒體內容或新媒體內容暴露越多的人,資訊尋求程度和資訊處理程度會越高;有暴露於新媒體管道獲取新聞習慣的受訪者,越會遊走於新舊媒體之間尋求核四相關訊息,而平日越常暴露於舊媒體管道的受訪者,僅越傾向透過舊媒體尋求核四資訊,而非新媒體管道;公共議題參與行為方面,暴露越多舊媒體內容的受訪者,較不會投身參與公共議題的相關行動,尤其是網路上的參與則較無助益,反而有弱化的作用。(2) 不論是平常的Facebook新聞暴露或是關注越多好友推薦的新聞,Facebook好友的親身傳播的影響力,有可能讓受訪者更關注核四議題,也會有較高程度的資訊求和公共議題參與行為。(3) 中央線索的新聞注意對資訊尋求、公共議題參與行為有全面影響力,但無法預測公共議題參與行為;名人、政治效應的新聞注意對閱聽人的上街遊行等實體公民參與行為具有一定的號召力。(4) 觀看越多公民自製影片的受訪者,除了有越多資訊尋求的行為,對議題也能審慎判斷資訊的論點品質,並且也會付諸行動參與更多線上與實體的公共事務。(5) 議題相關性越高、政治自我效能越高、認為核四風險很高的受訪者,其資訊尋求程度、管道、資訊處理程度也會越高;不論是網路參與或實體參與,議題相關性、政治自我效能、對議題風險的認知越高的受訪者,其參與程度也會越高,但僅有政治自我效能可以預測公共議題的參與行為。(6)周圍有越多關心核四議題的朋友、面對面與在網路上與人討論核四議題的頻率越高,不論是舊媒體管道還是新媒體管道,皆會主動積極尋求核四資訊、對核四議題也越能審慎思辯。在公共議題參與行為方面,周圍關心核四議題的朋友多寡、與人討論核四議題的頻率對於網路參與行為和實體參與行為皆具有全面的影響力;然而,周圍關心核四議題的朋友多寡則無法預測公共議題的參與程度。(7) 人口變項方面,教育程度高者,可能僅熱中於資訊尋求的行為,公共議題參與行為則較不積極;相反的,教育程度低者越會參與網路和實體的公共議題活動;年齡越大者、非學生者,越有實體的公共議題參與行為。(8) 媒體議題效應對資訊尋求行為和公共議題參與行為具有影響力。(9) 資訊尋求程度、資訊處理程度僅能預測網路的公共議題參與行為程度,並不能預測實體的參與程度,而新舊媒體管道的尋求皆不能預測任何的參與行為。


This study investigates the correlation between audiences characteristics and the audiences behavior of information seeking and participation on public issue-take the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant as an example. Since the cognition of general public to the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant was mainly through the news produced by old media in the past, the information of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant was limited; and the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant was mainly concerned by environmental groups and Gongliao inhabitants due to the issue was professional and complicated, compared with the other comsumer issue, the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant was with high threshold and non-obtrusiveness for general public. However, the new media is getting more and more advanced and changed people’s media behavior,the information and news obtained is not limited by old media but by the open space of new media, so as the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant has the grass-root perspective which is differed from the past angles by main media, and these “user- generated contents” are usually more attractive to audiences. The study used an internet-questionnaire-based method to collect information among 514 general public. Results of this study showed: (1) No matter the respondents exposed the more to the content of old media or new media, the higher level of the information seeking and information processing had; the respondents who is used to obtain news by new media, the more likely seeking the information of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant both by old media and new media; the more the respondents who exposed to the content of old media, the more likely only seeking information of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant by old media, not by new media. For the participation on public issue, the more the respondents who exposed to the content of old media,the less take part in the activity of public issue, especially it’s useless for the network participation, and it weaken the network participation. (2) No matter the respondents have the more the usual news exposure on Facebook or focus on recommend news by Facebook’s friends, the more likely concerned the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant and the higher level of the information seeking and information processing had through the impact of personal communication by Facebook’s friends. (3) The respondents’s news attention on central route has fully impact on the behavior of information seeking and the participation on public issue, but it could not predict the participation on public issue; the respondents ‘s news attention on famous people or political effects has good chrisma to substantive participation such as taking to the streets. (4) The respondents watched the more films of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant produced by civil, the more behavior of information seeking and the ability of careful judgement for the information qulity, and would more likely take the actual action to participate the network and substantive public matter. (5) The higher issue’s correlation to the respondents、the higher political self-effect、the higher risky congnition to the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant, the higher level of the information seeking channels and information processing had; The higher issue’s correlation to the respondents、the higher political self-effect、the higher risky congnition to the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant,and higher level of participation on public issue no matter network or substantive participation. (6) The respondents have more friends concerned about the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant、the higher frequency of discussing the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant with people face to face or on the internet, would actively seek the information of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant and have careful judgement on the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant no matter through old media or new media. For the participation on public issue, the respondents who have friends concerned about the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant、the frequency of discussing the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant with people all have fully impact on the behavior of the internet and substantive participation; however the quantities of friend concerned about the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant would not be able to predict the level of participation on public issue. (7) For the demographic variables part, the respondents with high education level, may just enthusiastic with the behavior of information seeking, not with the participation on public issue; on constract, the respondents with low education level would participate network and substantive public matter;older and non-student would have the behavior of participation on public issue. (8) Media issue effects had impact on behavior of information seeking and participation on public issue. (9) The level of the information seeking and information processing would only be able to predict the level of the network participation on public issue, not be able to predict the level of substantive participation on public issue. Neither old media or new media would not be able to predict any participation on the issue of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant.


42、陳憶寧 (2002) 。公共議題之遊戲框架初探:以核四議題為例。新聞學研究, 台北市。


