  • 學位論文


Influential Factors of Acceptance for Intelligent Residence Management System-An empirical evidence from residents of northen Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳怡妃


台灣經濟的成長與人口密集度提高,居住需求使得高樓大廈的數量越來越多,衍生許多管理問題,政府為此訂定了相關法規以便於管理。近幾年來,各項科技產業蓬勃發展,與人們息息相關的居住亦不例外,政府推動智慧化居住空間計畫,並訂定智慧建築標章的同時,系統者整合商透過物聯網與雲端服務發展出相關的管理平台,社區管理平台已成為現今建商與物業管理產業的標語之一,但既有建築中卻不然。社區管理平台需建立居民的個人資料與居住資料,使得使用者的隱私問題隨之被提起,過去的研究中,對於影響居民使用智慧化社區管理系統的探討相當不足,因此本研究透過文獻回顧,將資訊隱私顧慮納入科技接受理論的外部變數進行探討。 本研究蒐集了283份有效樣本,利用偏為小方法(PLS,partial least squares)與SPSS進行分析。實證結果顯示,知覺易用性會顯著影響知覺有用性,而知覺資訊隱私顧慮會顯著影響知覺易用性,結構保證則為影響信任信念的重要因素,影響使用行為意圖最大的因素則為知覺易用性,其次為信任信念,知覺有用性則為最低。其中聽過與使用過的受測者,使用意圖則明顯較為強烈。期望透過研究結果,協助提供開發者與管理者推廣並改進調整社區管理平台。


Cause of the increase of Taiwan's economic growth and the improvement of population density. Numbers of residential demand makes more and more high-rise buildings and the management problems shows up. To this end, the Government has set up the regulations to facilitate management. In recent years, the technology industry and the vigorous development of all people living. Government promote the plan of intelligent living space. At the same time, controller has integrate the internet and the cloud service in the management System and develop smart buildings Badge. Nowadays, community management platform becomes the builders and property management industry's slogan. Because of the user's privacy issues coming up. On this study, we gathered 283 valid samples and analyzed with partial least squares and SPSS. According to the empirical results, perceived easy of use will effect perceived usefulness and concern for information privacy of use will effect perceived easy of use. Structural assuraance is an important factor affecting the trust The factors with the greatest impact on Behavioral intentions are effect perceived easy of use, trust and perceived usefulness. Among those listener and user, they have great intention of use. Expect to through this research, assist and provide developers and managers to promote and Improve community management platform。


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