  • 學位論文


The synthesis and investigation of novel dipolar dihydroindenoindene derivatives for small molecular organic photovoltaic solar cell

指導教授 : 謝仁傑


有機光伏打電池是利用化學合成的有機材料塗佈於元件上,厚度只需幾百奈米即可,藉由調整其能隙,使太陽能電池能對太陽光有更廣的吸收範圍,期待它有更高的吸光係數,以及更好的光電轉換效率。   此論文主要是合成出有機光伏打電池之主動層,在製程上欲以 5,5,10,10-tetraphenyl-5,10-dihydro-indeno[2,1-a]-indene ( TDI ) 作為基本模板,組合 arylamine (電子供體片段, D )和 aryl-2-methylene-malononitrile (電子受體片段, A ) 形成 D-TDI-A 的吸光分子,先以理論計算推算適合的電子供體片段和電子受體片段,再依據理論計算結果,合成光學特性較佳的化合物,經由光學儀器分析,比較和理論計算結果的誤差,得到Da-TDI-Aa 為吸光範圍最寬的化合物。


Organic photovoltaic cells (OPV) utilizes organic material- which is chemically synthesized- to coat on the component: only a few hundred nanometers is required. By adjusting its energy gap, the solar cell could have a broader absorption range to the sunlight, which hypothetically would to achieve a higher absorption coefficient, and therefore better photoelectric conversion efficiency. This thesis discusses the procedure for synthesizing the active layer of OPV. In the procedure, the 5,5,10,10-tetraphenyl-5,10-dihydro-indeno [2,1-a] -indene (TDI) is used as the basic template. The TDI is then combine with arylamine (electron donor fragment, D) and aryl-2-methyl-enemalononitrile (electron acceptor fragment, A) to form a D-TDI-A light-absorbing molecule. Calculation is then performed to determine the theoretically suitable electron donor fragments and electron acceptor fragments. Then based on the calculation result to synthesize the compound, which has better optical properties. The theoretical results and the experimental results are then compared with each other through analysis by optical instruments. The analysis result suggested that the Da-TDI-Aa is the compounds which has the widest range of absorbance.


Solar cell OPV TDI


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