  • 學位論文


A Study On Vertical Integration in Cross-Strait Solar Industries

指導教授 : 郭建中


在石油價格長期走揚與全球節能減碳的環保趨勢下,以及各國政府積極推動可再生能源產業為下一輪帶動經濟發展的新興產業,給予可再生能源產業良好的發展機會,由於可再生能源產業的多元化發展,使得太陽能產業也受到相當的重視。   在太陽能產業的供給面方面,早期進入太陽能產業的美國、日本、德國擁有較完整的產業鏈,在產業鏈的上、中、下游具備量產的產業能力,由於全球太陽光電產業進入第二波價值鏈移動,移轉至較晚進入太陽能產業的台灣與中國大陸,在雙邊都以代工出口導向OEM (Original equipment manufacturer).的產業特性與產業鏈完整度不足的現實下,產生兩岸產業鏈的相互分工合作,以及在太陽能產品上激烈的海外市場競爭,為一種既競爭又合作的產業競合關係。   兩岸的太陽能產業特性不同,台灣廠商以策略聯盟專精中游太陽能電池占優勢,而中國廠商則是垂直整合為主,唯獨中游太陽能電池發展較弱。近年來台灣廠商也陸續朝垂直整合方向進行布局。 本文主要採取文獻分析法、比較分析法與SWOT分析法,從相關的產業與學術研究文獻資料做為兩岸太陽能產業分析比較的基礎,最後以SWOT分析兩岸太陽能產業各自可能的競合策略。   經由本文分析後認為,太陽能產業大者恆大之趨勢下,目前大陸是台灣技術與出貨量最主要的競爭者。兩岸競合最佳情況是採用SWOT分析裡的“Maxi-Maxi”策略與“Mini-Maxi”策略,產生雙邊優勢加成或是以對方的產業優勢來彌補自身的產業劣勢,建立產業的進入障礙,達成雙贏局面。若在整體太陽能產業機會減少而威脅增加時,兩岸的太陽能產業容易形成SWOT分析裡的“Maxi-Mini”策略“Mini-Mini”策略,雙邊利用對方的產業優勢來以對抗外部的威脅,使兩岸的太陽能產業容易走向競爭大於合作的產業競合關係,形成雙輸局面。


As the oil price continually increases, and the issue of carbon emission for environmental sustainability becomes an inevitable concern, various governments like United States, Taiwan and Mainland China have been actively developing renewable energy industry. Being a part of renewable energy industry, solar industry has thus gained its importance among governments and the market. At the supplement phase of solar industry, early entrants such as United States, Japan and Germany have developed a relatively complete industry chain that is capable of generating massive production from the upstream to the downstream. Due to the fact that the PV industry has entered the second value chain, and has moved into the Taiwan and China which are the slow comers of the solar industry. Moreover, both countries share a commonality that they both rely heavily on OEM (Original equipment manufacturer). These have led to both competitions andcooperation for overseas markets between the strait. The characteristics of solar power industry between Taiwan and China are quite different. The Taiwanese industries focus on the midstream solar cell as their advantage and the Chinese industries focus on the vertical integration side. Because the midstream solar cell lost its potential in development recently, the Taiwanese industries also shifted to the vertical integration area gradually. In this study, firstly, related literature is reviewed in order to construct a fundamental understanding of the solar industry. Next, comparative analysis is conducted to investigate the solar industry between the strait. Moreover, through SWOT analysis, applicable strategies of coopetition between Taiwan and Mainland China are discussed. After close analysis, the tendency of the stronger companies will only grow stronger in the solar industry made China the biggest competitor against Taiwan. According to Maxi-Maxi strategy and Maxi-Mini strategy in the SWOT analysis, using other industry's strengths to fill up the weaknesses of own, and avoiding other industry from entering will create a win-win situation.. In this case, if the opportunity decreased and the threat increased in the whole solar industry, the strait solar industry could easily form the Maxi-Mini and the Mini-Mini situation. Using each other's strength up against all the other incoming threats will cause more competition and less cooperation between the strait, and walking towards a lose-lose situation.




