  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Integrating Mobile Technology and STAD into the Teaching of Social Science Field

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


本研究旨在探討行動科技融入國小四年級學生社會學習領域教學的實施情形。在研究中使用學習動機量表及WIHIC量表,來分析平板電腦結合STAD融入教學對學生的影響,以瞭解學生學習動機的改變及其對學習環境的感受;同時也使用觀察和訪談來分析其學習環境、課程設計及教師在實施上的限制與因應。本研究以研究者任教之國小該班二十七位學生為研究對象,上下學期共進行十二週三十六節課之行動研究。研究結果敘述如下: 一、在學習動機上,大多數的學生對於教學活動多持以正面積極的態度,認為運用平板電腦和組員們一起合作完成任務的學習方式比傳統教學有更多元的表現。能覺察所學內容和日常生活有關,能讓他們更集中注意力、更具信心與成就感,並表示願意以這樣的方式繼續學習。顯示以行動科技結合STAD融入社會學習領域的教與學模式,確實能提升學習者的學習動機。 二、在這樣的學習環境中,學生普遍感到獲得老師和同儕更多的支持與幫助,能激勵其主動參與學習及分享知識。顯示學習者對行動科技融入社會學習領域的合作學習環境的感受,是正向的、親和的、積極的、平等的、合作愉快的。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of mobile technology in teaching social studies for Elementary School fourth-grade students. In order to understand the impact on students' motivation and students' feelings of tablet PCs integrated into STAD, the learning motivation scale and WIHIC scale were used in this research. Observation and interview were also used to investigate the learning environment, curriculum design and implementation constraints. The research subjects were twenty-seven elementary school students and this action research was lasted for twelve weeks which contains totally thirty-six classes across two semesters. The results were summarized as followings. Firstly, most students were motivated in teaching activities and held to a positive attitude. They agreed on that the Tablet PC helped them and their teams to work together to complete the task of learning more efficiently. When they found what they learned was relevant to their daily life , they are more concentrate, more confident and fill with a sense of accomplishment. Many students expressed their willingness to continue to learn in such a way. It revealed that it could promote the learners’ motivation through the teaching and learning mode that combined mobile technology with STAD teaching to social study field. Secondly, in this kind of learning environment, students generally felt more supportive and the help of teachers and peers motivated their active participation in earning and sharing knowledge. It revealed that the learners’feelings to the cooperative environment of fitting mobile technology to social field are positive, friendly, active, evenhanded and pleasant.


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