  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Incorporating M-learning with Reciprocal-teaching on Elementary Students English Story Reading

指導教授 : 蔡秉燁


本研究旨在探討行動學習結合交互式教學法對國小學同英語故事閱讀之影響。研究對象以台北市及新北市之四年級與五年級國小學童,共200名為研究對象。本研究以準實驗研究法進行研究,研究架構將學童隨機分成四組,分別是行動學習交互式教學、交互式教學、行動學習傳統教學與傳統教學,各組均進行四堂課共160分鐘的教學實驗,並以「學習互動問卷」、「應用科技輔助英語學習態度問卷」、「閱讀滿意度問卷」及「閱讀測驗卷」為研究工具之資料收集,資料以獨立樣本t檢定、ANOVA進行統計資料分析,研究結果顯示如下: 壹、比較四組經實驗教學後在學習互動、閱讀滿意度、英語閱讀理解力的差異。四組在學習互動、閱讀滿意度上的影響有顯著性差異發現,進一步分析發現,行動學習的兩組優於無行動學習的兩組; 而行動學習搭配不同教學法間無顯著性差異發現; 無行動學習的兩種教學法間亦無顯著性差異發現。說明行動學習即使無教學方法的搭配,對於學習互動、閱讀滿意度與學習成效仍有顯著的正面成效。 對於英語閱讀理解力的研究結果,四組在實驗教學前,有行動學習的兩組與無行動學習的兩組已有差異性存在,實驗教學後,四組間無顯著性差異存在,研究結果檢討,可能是因為研究對象的的英文能力有差異性,而依國小目前 教綱所挑選的英語故事讀本之程度有可能對於程度高的學生過於簡單以至於無法測出程度,對於程度低的學生,經過老師的教學也都能吸收故事的內容,因此,實驗教學後,呈現四組沒有差異存在。 貳、比較有使用iPad與學習平台的行動學習兩組在融合不同教學法後,兩組對於應用科技輔助英語學習態度的影響並沒有顯著差異發現。行動學習融入高互動性交互式教學法於課堂上並沒有促進應用科技輔助英語學習態度。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the impacts of M-learning for studying with English readers on primary students’ learning interactive in the classroom, students’ attitude of mobile assisted language learning, students’ satisfaction of English readers and students’ effectiveness of reading comprehension . A total of 200 students were grouped by randomization into 4 groups, which were M-learning with reciprocal teaching, M-learning with traditional teaching, reciprocal teaching only and traditional teaching only. These 4 groups participated experimental teaching in this study for 4 classes total 160 minutes. Each of 4 groups took Pretest-Posttest of “Questionary of interactive learning ”, ” Questionary of students’ attitude of mobile assisted language learning”, “Questionary of Reading satisfication”, and “Reading comprehension quiz” as research tools. The collected data analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results are as follow: 1. Compared 4 groups’ effectiveness of learning interactive in the classroom, satisfaction of English readers . The goups with M-leranig were better than the groups without M-learning and significant. 2. Compared 4 groups’ effectiveness of reading comprehension, the 4 groups were not found signifaicant. 3. Compared 2 groups effectivness of attitude of mobile assisted language learning, there were not found signifaicant.


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