  • 學位論文


A Research of the Correlation between Agile Development and New Product Performance

指導教授 : 楊立人 張敬珣


在日新月異的社會下,專案式的開發結構越來越受各類型產業所喜愛,特別是資訊科技類,在舊有的開發流程為需求設計→產出→客戶與設計團隊的互動較少,所以產出結果與績效往往不盡理想,間接浪費了較多的時間及人力成本,設計團隊一直在重複設計及產出這兩個過程,而客戶依然收到不盡理想的產品,這樣反覆之下會造成專案的延宕。以往的新產品開發績效會受到團隊之間或是與客戶溝通不良、無法應變突發狀況…等問題影響,導致績效不如預期。「敏捷開發」一詞是近十年來在國外盛行的新開發流程,在國內鮮少人知曉。因此,本研究欲探究敏捷開發、需求品質、團隊互動及新產品開發績效彼此之間的關係,並從中探討其關聯性。 本研究採用SPSS統計軟體作為分析工具,以便利抽樣之方式收集台灣科技產業為樣本,作為研究對象來進行實證分析。並以因素分析、信度分析、單因子變異分析(ANOVA)、迴歸分析等方法進行分析。問卷發放期間為2017年3月至2017年4月,共計發放130份問卷,最終回收之有效問卷為126份。 這項研究的結果如下: 1.敏捷開發對新產品開發績效有顯著正向之影響。 2.敏捷開發對需求品質有顯著正向之影響。 3.需求品質對新產品開發績效有顯著正向之影響。 4.敏捷開發對團隊互動有顯著正向之影響。 5.團隊互動對新產品開發績效有顯著正向之影響。


With incessant progress of science and technology, the project-based development structure is becoming more and more popular for all types of industries, especially for the information technology industry, because old development process based on design requirement and production, customers had less interaction with design team, so the result and performance were imperfect; with indirect wasting of time and labor costs, design team only kept repeating design and produce processes, but still providing customers with unsatisfactory product, which led to project’s delaying. In the past, new product development performance could be affected by lack of communication within the team or with customers, inability to adapt to unexpected situations and other issues. "Agile development" is a new development process that was popular all over the world last few decades, but on the contrary, by now this term is only known by few people in Taiwan. Therefore, the primary goal of this study is to discuss agile development, requirement quality, team interaction and their relationship with new product development performance. This study used SPSS statistical software to analyze data and selected sample from high-tech industries of Taiwan. During the research, this study has focused on factor analysis, reliability analysis, one way ANOVA and regression analysis. In period from March to April 2017, there were issued 130 questionnaires and eventually 126 were returned. The results of this study are as follows: 1.Agile Development has a significant positive influence on new product development performance. 2.Agile Development has a significant positive influence on requirement quality. 3.Requirement quality has a significant positive influence on new product development performance. 4.Agile Development has a significant positive influence on team interaction. 5.Team interaction has a significant positive influence on new product development performance.


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