  • 學位論文


Cultivating The Barren Farmland: A Case Study of Successful Classroom Management of A Beginning Teacher in A Vocational Extension School

指導教授 : 游家政


本研究旨在探討一位初任教師在職業進修學校服務期間,面對教學、學生學習、班級經營等問題時,經歷現實困境的衝擊與面對真實情況後調適的心路歷程。本研究目的為:(1)探究私立圓夢高職初任教師--薇薇老師的早期成長過程與求學相關經驗所影響且形塑而成的教師信念;(2)探究私立圓夢高職初任教師--薇薇老師在班級經營實踐歷程中所遇到的困難以及因應策略;(3)透過探究立圓夢高職初任教師—薇薇老師於班級經營成功耕耘的個案提供相關教育工作者作為參考。 本研究採質性研究,經由深度訪談、課堂觀察、文件、焦點訪談等方法,蒐集案例教師的口述資料、個人網頁資料、學生作業,以及同儕教師的訪談內容與學生們焦點訪談的回饋意見等進行內容分析。研究結果發現: (一)教師過往的成長、求學及職場經驗都會交互影響後,直接或間接地影響了其往後的 教師信念。 (二)面對已成班並曾有其他導師任教經驗的學生,導師展現積極傾聽的誠意, 能使班級經營更加融洽。 (三)面對背景複雜學生,導師展現出開放型溝通態度,能促進師生間相互理解。 (四)面對行為不羈的學生,導師展現與家長的溝通合作,能有效約束學生行為。 (五)面對鬆散的班級,導師展現領導力率領學生參與活動,能提升班級向心力。 (六)面對對學校及老師失去信心的學生,導師展現真心關懷,利用課餘時間在 校外與學生建立情感,能使師生關係更為融洽。 (七)面對學習意願低落的學生,導師展現教學專業,設計並調整課程內容,能 提升學生學習動機。 (八)面對升學意願低落的學生,導師展現積極的重視,能提升學生的升學意願。 關鍵字:高職職業進修學校、初任教師、班級經營、個案研究


The study aimed to investigate the psychological adjustment processes of a beginning teacher who was impacted by practical plights while serving in a vocational extension school. The case teacher was confronted with problems regarding teaching practices, students’ learning difficulties, and classroom management. The purpose of the study was to (1) probe into teacher’s beliefs, design and practice of classroom management of a beginning teacher, Ms. Wei-wei, who wished to chase her dreams in a private vocational school, (2) narrate the coping strategies that the beginning teacher, Ms. Wei-wei, implemented in response to the difficulties in classroom management, and (3) provide implications for educators through Ms. Wei-wei’s story of cultivating her first classroom.The study applied a qualitative approach. Data collection methods included in-depth interviews, classroom observation, document collection, and focused-group interviews. Data collected and analyzed encompassed oral histories of the case teacher, her personal webpage, her students’ assignments, and comments from her peer teachers and students. The findings were as follows: (1) Teachers growth in the past, and their experience of work and shool life will directly or indirectly affect his/her beief in teaching. (2) Listening to the step-class with great sincerity would foster greater harmony in the classroom environment. (3) Holding an open-minded attitude toward students with complicated backgrounds would facilitate the mutual understanding between students and the teacher. (4) Communication and cooperation with parents would regulate students’ misconduct effectively. (5) Strong leadership that initiates students into intraclass activities would enhance the cohesiveness of a class of inattentive students. (6) Sincere caring and bonding beyond the school context with students that had lost faith in school and teachers would strengthen teacher-student relations. (7) Professional adjustment of curriculum design would raise students’ low motivation to learn. (8) Proactive concerns in students’ reluctance for further studies would augment students’ motivation for higher educational pursuit.


