  • 學位論文


Investigation on Learning Outcomes with Integrating Situational Teaching into Gender Equity Education for Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 徐新逸


本研究採準實驗研究法,探討運用情境教學法進行性別平等教育課程對於國中一年級學生的學習成效。本研究以高雄巿某國中一年級兩班學生為研究對象,一組為實驗組,由研究者針對性別平等教育課程設計運用情境教學法授課;另一組為對照組,進行傳統教學法,二組課程教學時程皆為5週,共5節課,計225分鐘。   本研究以受試者國中性別平等教育學習狀況調查問卷前測成績為共變數,以國中性別平等教育學習狀況後測問卷成績、教學活動中填寫的學習單及日常觀察紀錄,做為依變項,了解性騷擾的情形,並以情境教學組與傳統教學組作為自變項,對兩個不同組別進行單因子共變數分析。研究結果顯示,經由教學活動收集相關資料後,進行研究分析,實驗組運用情境教學法實施性別平等教育課程後,學生對於性騷擾的認知、態度顯著優於接受傳統教學法之對照組學生;此外實驗組學生對於性騷擾的行為顯著少於接受傳統教學法之對照組學生,且對於情境教學持正向態度。本研究結果可提供未來教師在性別平等教育課程上採用情境教學法之教學設計參考。


The study employed a quasi-experimental method to explore the learning effectiveness of situated teaching on gender equality program in education of Taiwanese seventh graders. The study selected two junior high school classes from Kaohsiung city; one served as the experimental group (EG) who received situated teaching instruction in line with gender equity education curriculum design, and the other as the control group (CG) who was exposed to a variety of traditional methods. The trials lasted for five weeks, at 45 minutes per week.   In the study, the covariates were the pre-test scores of respondent junior high school students in their gender equality education questionnaire; the dependent variables were the post-test scores, the teaching activities and daily observation records, through which to understand the sexual harassment situation. The EG and CG were the independent variables, experiencing one way ANCOVA respectively. Through data collection in teaching activities and analysis, the results showed that students in EG receiving situated teaching in gender equality education has significantly higher cognition and awareness of sexual harassment than that of the CG receiving traditional teaching methods; in addition, students in EG receiving situated teaching in gender equality education have less sexual harassment behavior than that of the CG receiving traditional teaching methods, and their attitude towards situated teaching was positive. The findings of this study can serve as design references for teachers conduct situated teaching on gender equality education in future.


何政光、戴文珠 (民98)。以情境式教學提升護生性別平等認知之研究。馬偕學報,7,21-47。
