  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Determinant Factors on Shareholding Change of Institutional and Margin-Trading Investors

指導教授 : 倪衍森




This study investigates whether shareholding change of institutions, domestic institutions and dealer as well as the change of margin level and short selling level would be affected by the variables in term of board structure and financial statements. By employing the data from 2010-2014 for the firm listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange, this study have the following important findings as shown below. First, forging institutions might not prefer holding the shares of the firms with high debt ratio and large board size deemed as the firm with corporate governance issue. Second, the firms with higher director holding ratio would be regarded as the firms with better corporate governance, which might be the essential concern for increasing shareholding holding for domestic institutions. Thirds, the trading behaviors of the deader are inclined to short-term trading. As a result, the fundamental issues in term of financial statements and corporate governance might not be the main issue for enhancing shareholding. Four, most of margin trading is operated by individual investors, and the results reveal that margin trading is higher for firms with either higher manager holding ratio or recruiting independent directors. Fifth, the firms with higher director pledge ratio might be regarded as positive signals, and the result show that the individual investors might not prefer the firms with higher director pledge ratio.


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