  • 學位論文


Hedonic Experience: Applying System Dynamics to Explore Customer Re-patronizing Intention

指導教授 : 張瑋倫


在服務體驗崛起的現今,顧客不再單方面接受服務及產品。顧客更在乎的是,接受服務的過程以及體驗服務過後的滿足、喜悅及受到企業重視的感動,在這過程中,如何取悅顧客,讓顧客由新顧客成為忠誠粉絲變得格外棘手。因此,本研究以所列三大問題做為研究主軸做進一步探討: (1)在享樂價值的架構下,顧客喜悅是否為影響顧客再光顧意願的關鍵要素? (2)享樂價值所衍生的WOM對新舊顧客再光顧的影響程度? (3)服務補救是否能有效的挽救顧客再光顧意願? 本研究運用系統動力學原理,建構一完整因果關係,並透過因果關係圖為基底擬定存量流量圖,透過存量流量圖做全盤性推演及模擬,並將時間因素納入考量。透過整體研究分析發現,顧客體驗所留下的享樂價值的確嚴重的影響顧客的再光顧意願,而又以顧客喜悅、WOM及企業的服務補救為最關鍵的影響要素。 本研究結果亦發現,顧客體驗過後所留存的享樂價值扮演著極為重要的角色,顧客若擁有較高的享樂價值,能加速顧客傳遞WOM的速度及量,因此在顧客體驗過程中,企業所提供的服務品質以及與顧客之間的互動關係是格外重要的。企業若能在顧客體驗過程中,給予其他企業無法給予的新鮮感和感動力,是另一個提升顧客滿意到顧客喜悅的關鍵,而這也影響企業在顧客心中的享樂價值高低。當企業端願意在顧客遇到問題或企業發生失誤時,立即做處理和回應,並給予完善的服務補救,將有助於降低服務失誤的比例,更有助於提高即恢復顧客的滿意程度,進而影響顧客的再光顧意願。因此,顧客享樂價值的高低會在顧客體驗過程逐一影響顧客喜悅程度、WOM、服務補救程度,最終影響再光顧意願高低,形成一完整循環,相互影響著。 本研究結果顯示在實務上,以顧客需求至上創造至高顧客感動是企業經營的不二法門,貫徹企業成員企業所傳遞的理念,讓顧客不再只是顧客,享樂價值自然永存顧客心。另外,在與顧客互動過程,由企業端的服務,為顧客帶來無限享樂價值及再光顧意願,企業應強化與顧客之間的互動關係,甚至融入更多不一樣的生活元素,提高顧客的新鮮感及想嘗試的衝動,不但能強化企業的服務,更給予顧客不一樣的驚喜和體驗。


This research aims to understand customer hedonic experience and important factors to influence service experience. According to the literature, customer delight, WOM, and service recovery are the critical factors to influence customer re-patronizing intention . This study also investigates three major research questions: (1) will customer delight be one of key factors to influence customers’ re-patronizing intention under hedonic value? (2) how will WOM impact new and old customers’ re-patronize intention? and (3) will service recovery effectively maintain customers re-patronizing intention? In order to understand the comprehensive relationships, this research takes into account time factor in the proposed model. We used the concept of system dynamics to observe the model. Casual loop diagram was built to present the relationships among variables and stock and flow diagram was used to simulate data in the model. In other words, service process that seriously influences the transferring speed and time of WOM is important to company. The results also reveal hedonic value is the most critical factor that influences all factors. In our simulation, customers who owns more hedonic value will accelerate the delivering speed and amount of WOM. That means customer experience can be a subject to chat each other; in other words, it can be another way to deliver WOM. Company should focus on the process when service encountered. If company can consider more issues or care about customer feeling, it may make customer feel happy. That is also the key to improve customers’ image of company. On the other hand, company should deal with customer problem and respond immediately with perfect service recovery. It may help customer forget poor image from service failure. Next, customers may satisfy and improve customers’ re-patronizing intention. Finally, customers’ hedonic value will affect the feeling through service experience process such as customer delight, WOM, service recovery, and ultimately affect customers’ re-patronizing intention.


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