  • 學位論文


A Study of the Determining Factors of Freshmen’s Choice of Entering Teacher Preparation Department of Universities of Education.

指導教授 : 吳明清


本研究旨在探討教育大學新生選唸師培科系之決定因素。首先瞭解教育大學選念師培科系新生在相關因素的特徵,並探討不同背景變項之教育大學新生在相關因素之差異情形;其次分析教育大學新生選念師培科系之影響來源,並探討不同背景變項之教育大學新生選唸師培科系影響來源之差異情形;最後分析教育大學新生選念師培科系之相關因素特徵與其影響來源的關聯情形與預測情形。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,以台北市兩所教育大學之師培科系98學年度入學學生為對象,施予自編之「教育大學新生選唸師培科系相關因素之調查問卷」,共回收480份問卷,其中有效問卷為453份,可用率94.375%。調查所得資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計分析、獨立樣本平均數t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及簡單迴歸分析等統計分析。 歸納調查結果,本研究獲致以下發現: 壹、選唸師培科系相關因素特徵方面 一、教育大學新生的父母認為教師工作聲望高且環境單純、收入穩定。 二、教育大學新生對於未來教職市場機會與發展的信心較低,但對於未來文教事業的多元發展性仍有一定的信心。 三、教育大學新生對於教育大學在師資培育品質方面給予極高的肯定。 四、教育大學男性新生在自我概念特徵、大學聲望、科系品質知覺、就業機會知覺與社會價值知覺面向均較女性正向。 五、中高社經地位之教育大學新生在自我概念特徵的知覺,比低社經地位之教育大學新生更為正向且積極。 貳、選唸師培科系影響來源方面 一、整體而言,教育大學新生選唸師培科系考量的因素相當多元。 二、教育大學新生選唸師培科系受到考試成績影響決定的程度很高。 三、雖然教育大學新生予以教育大學及高的評價,但是受到教育大學聲望的影響而選唸的情形卻不如預期。 四、教育大學男性新生受到「社會對於教育工作及教師的肯定」的影響高於女性新生。 五、低社經地位之教育大學新生在選念師培科系時受到成績的影響程度高於高社經地位之教育大學新生。 根據上述研究發現,本研究提出若干具體建議,以供教育主管機關與教育大學對於未來發展及後續研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate determining factors of freshmen’s choice of entering teacher preparation department of university of education, including the characteristics and sources of influence. A questionnaire survey was used to collect empirical data. Subjects of the survey were 480 freshmen of 98 school’s year from two universities of education in Taipei . The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis and simple regression analysis. Findings of this study were as follows: Part A ─the characteristics of choice of entering teacher preparation department: 1. The freshmen’s parents of university of education thought that to be teacher has high popularity, the environment is pure, the income is stable. 2. The freshmen of university of education had low confidence regarding the opportunity to be teacher, but still had considerable confidence regarding the career of multi-dimensional culture and education. 3. The freshmen of university of education gave the extremely high recognition on the preparation or elementary school teachers . 4. The male freshmen of university of education were more optimistic in their self-concept , the university prestige consciousness, department quality , opportunity of employment and social value than those of female freshmen. 5. The freshmen of university of education in medium and high SES were more optimistic in their self-concept than that of freshmen of university of education from low SES. Part B ─the sources of influence affecting the choice of entering teacher preparation department: 1. Generally, freshmen’s choice of entering teacher preparation department of university of education were quite multi-dimensional. 2. Most of the freshmen of university of education choose the teacher preparation department were affected by their test scores of entrance exam. 3. Although the freshmen of university of education gave the university of education high ranking, choosing to study in it was actually inferior to anticipated. 4. The male freshmen of university of education were more affected by “social appraisal for educational career and being a teacher” than that of the female freshmen. 5. The freshmen of university of education from low SES were more affected by their “test scores of entrance exam” than that of freshmen from high SES. Based on findings, some suggestions were proposed for educational administrative authorities and universities of education as well as future studies.




