  • 學位論文


An Empirical study on enabler and inhibitor factors of matures' mobile shopping behavior

指導教授 : 吳坤山


台灣人口已進入高齡化社會,熟齡及高齡在未來10年內是市場最龐大的族群。隨著科技進步與通訊成本的下降,行動購物不受空間與時間的限制,手機已是最夯購物管道。本研究結合科技接受模式及創新抵制理論為主體研究架構,探討熟齡族使用行動購物的驅力及抑制因素。 本研究之對象為居住在大台北地區(台北市、新北市、基隆市)的熟齡族(50歲以上),本研究採用立意抽樣之方式抽取樣本,總計發放350份問卷,回收樣本數為313份,扣除無效樣本32份後,有效樣本為281份,有效樣本回收率為89.8%。透過敘述性統計、及結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)中之偏最小平方估計法(Partial Least Square, PLS),進行信度及效度分析,其主要研究結果如下: 1. 影響行動購物認知有用性之路徑以抑制因素(價值障礙、風險障礙、傳統障礙)為前因驅動因子,其中以傳統障礙影響最大其次為價值障礙,風險障礙則對認知有用性無顯著影響。 2. 影響行動購物認知易用性的抑制因素以使用障礙影響最大其次為印象障礙。 3. 使用障礙顯著正向影響價值障礙。 4. 影響行動購物使用意向之路徑以認知易用性與認知有用性為前因驅動因子,其中以認知有用性影響最大其次為認知易用性。


Population ageing is happening in Taiwan. The ageing generation is no doubt to be the largest consumer group in the next decade. Due to the rapid progress of technology and the declining costs of wireless communication, mobile shopping has broken through the restriction barrier of location and time. Mobile phones become the most trendy device for bring out a new shopping behavior. This study merges the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and innovation resistance theory as the main research structure. It aims to explore what the enabler and inhibition factors that may influence the ageing generation's mobile shopping behavior. The target participants in this study are aged 50 and above, who live in the area of greater Taipei, including Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung City. The sampling method adopted within this research is purposive sampling. Total 350 questionnaires were distributed and 313 copies returned. After removing the 32 invalid samples, there were 281 valid questionnaires remained so the effective response rate was 89.8%. Descriptive statistics, reliability, validity and partial least square from Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) methods were applied to examine the proposed research framework. After the empirical research, the major findings as follows: 1. The inhibition factors, such as value barrier, risk barrier and tradition barrier, all affect the consumers’ perceived usefulness on mobile shopping. Among them, the tradition barrier provides the main impact on the perceived usefulness and then is the value one. However, the risk barrier has no significant effect on perceived usefulness. 2. The inhibition factors that affect consumer's perceived ease of use for mobile shopping are mainly the usage barrier and then the image barrier. 3. The usage barrier has significant positive effect on the value barrier. 4. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are both the determinants for the intention of using mobile shopping. However, the impact from the usefulness overrides the one from the ease of use.


