  • 學位論文


A Need Assessment of Developing Student Services in Tamkang University

指導教授 : 徐新逸


本研究針對淡江大學網路校園發展學生服務進行需求評估,強調以學習者為中心,探討線上學習者對於學生服務之需求程度與重要性,依據網路校園之學生服務發展現況的需求程度與學習者的預期需求程度與重要性進行需求分析,作為未來網路校園相關單位發展學生服務之參考依據。本研究以淡江大學數位學習碩士在職專班為研究對象,包括「教育科技學系數位學習碩士在職專班」與「全球華商經營管理數位學習碩士在職專班」共93位線上學習者,採自編「淡江大學發展學生服務之需求評估」問卷進行普查調查,共發放93份問卷,有效回收52份,回收率為55.91,正式問卷信度Cronbach α值為0.97。 本研究結果顯示: 一、專業的網路校園應提供的線上學生服務需包括五大層面:「行政核心」、「通訊類」、「學習服務類」、「個人服務類」、「學生社群類」,各層面亦包括其服務項目,依據網路校園的不同其提供的學生服務項目亦有所不同。 二、從淡江大學網路校園現提供的學生服務之需求程度現況調查結果來看,線上學習者對於「行政核心」、「通訊類」、「學習服務類」、「個人服務類」、「學生社群類」之五大學生服務層面均有發展之需要。 (一)各層面之需求程度由高至低為:1、通訊類;2、行政核心;3、學習服務類;4、個人服務類;5、學生社群類。 (二)各項目之需求程度,發展需求排序前5項依次為:1、提供線上同步教室(通訊類);2、提供線上助教之聯絡方式(通訊類);3、提供學生關於圖書館所需的相關資訊及服務(學習服務類);4、提供教師教學資源(學習服務類);5、提供技術支援相關資訊(學習服務類)。 三、線上學習者對網路校園應提供的學生服務之需求程度排序,以整體需求程度而言,由高至低依次為「學習服務類」、「行政核心」、「通訊類」、「學生社群類」及「個人服務類」。「學習服務類」、「行政核心」、「通訊類」為優先發展之學生服務層面,「學生社群類」、「個人服務類」為尚待考量之學生服務層面。 四、 線上學習者對網路校園應提供的學生服務之重要性排序,以整體重要性而言,由高至低依次為「學習服務類」、「行政核心」、「通訊類」、「學生社群類」及「個人服務類」。「學習服務類」、「行政核心」為優先發展之學生服務層面,「通訊類」、「學生社群類」、「個人服務類」為尚待考量之學生服務層面。 五、線上學習者對於網路校園應提供的學生服務之需求程度與重要性呈現顯著正相關,顯示需求程度高其相對重要性亦高。 六、淡江大學網路校園現提供的學生服務以「通訊類」需求程度最為顯著,預期狀況以「學習服務類」為首要需求;以項目而言,「學生記錄的服務」、「專屬學生帳戶」、「提供網路校園的學生,有關保留學籍與學分的服務」、「依據學生特性不同,提供適合的教育相關資源與諮詢之服務」、「學習方面的輔導」為現今淡江大學網路校園尚未提供的學生服務項目,而「身心障礙學生的服務」部分提供,前述可列為往後學生服務發展之重點項目。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、在發展學生服務內容上,「行政核心」、「通訊類」、「學習服務類」、「個人服務類」、「學習社群類」之學生服務五大層面均有被發展的需求,建議未來相關單位在規劃學生服務時應將各個層面的學生服務納入發展範疇。 二、在發展學生服務架構上,建議相關單位整合網路校園之入口,讓學習者只需透過單一窗口便可享有完整且完善的學生服務。 三、在發展學生服務對象上,建議網路校園相關單位應秉持「學習者為中心」和「服務學習者」的核心原則。


The purpose of this study is to explore the needs of student services from online learners on Cyber campus at Tamkang University. From the perspectives of learners, the study analyzed a gap between current needs and expected needs of student services. 93 Subjects from the E-learning master’s program at Tamkang University, including “E-Learning Executive Master’s Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in Global Chinese Management” and “E-Learning Master’s Program of Educational technology”, were asked to fill up the questionnaire. There were 52 returned and the valid return rate was 55.91%. The reliability (Cronbach α) of the questionnaires was 0.97. The results of the research were summarized as follows: 1、The professional online student services provided by Cyber campus should have five dimensions, including administrative core, communications suite, academic services suite, personal services suite and student communities suite. 2、All dimensions of student services at Tamkang University’s Cyber campus were regarded necessary. Among 5 dimensions, the ranking priorities were (1) communications suite, (2) administrative core, (3) academic services suite, (4) personal services suite, and (5) student communities suite. Among 22 items, the top 5 were ranked as (1) online classroom (communications suite), (2) e-tutor counseling (communications suite), (3) library (academic services suite), (4) teaching resources (academic services suite), and (5) technical support (academic services suite) 3、Based on overall needs of online student services on Cyber campus, the ranking were (1) academic services suite, (2) administrative core, (3) communications suite, (4) student communities suite, and (5) personal services suite. Among 5 dimensions, the dimensions were prioritized as academic services suite, administrative core, and communications suite. The dimensions needed to improve were student communities suite and personal services suite. 4、Based on overall importance of online student services on Cyber campus, the ranking were (1) academic services suite, (2) administrative core, (3) communications suite, (4) student communities suite, and (5) personal services suite. Among 5 dimensions, the dimensions were prioritized as academic services suite and administrative core. The dimensions needed to improve were communications suite,, student communities suite, and personal services suite. 5、Online learners should be provided for Cyber campus student services to meet the needs and importance. The correlation between the level of needs and importance showed significantly positive result. 6、Communications suite was the primary needs of current online student services at Tamkang University. Administrative core was the most needed on excepted student services in the future. Among the items, the online student services at Tamkang University didn’t provide student records, student accounts, retention services, developmental services, and academic advising. Besides, Cyber campus only provided a few services on disability services. Based on the result of the research, the suggestions to the revelnt department of Cyber campus were followed as: 1.From the perspective of student services’ content, all dimensions of student services at Tamkang University’s Cyber campus were regarded necessary, so relevant departments in charge of student affairs and services should make the plan in the future. 2.From the perspective of student services’ framework, the relevant departments in charge of student affairs and services should integrate the entrance to Cyber campus, and provide the web portal with single sign-on service to learners. 3.From the perspective of student services’ object, the services provided by relevant departments should focus on the principles of learner-centered as well as service-centered.


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