  • 學位論文


A correlative study on social network website usage with interpersonal interaction and learning style among high school students in Taipei.

指導教授 : 柯志恩


本研究旨在探討高中生在社群網站上的使用行為與其在現實環境中與他人的互動情形,以及在學習上所呈現出的學習風格類型之間的相關研究。研究對象為台北縣市之公私立普通高中、高職和五專一至三年級在學學生,利用叢集取樣的方式,取得正式樣本768人,並透過問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集,所使用的工具為「基本資料表」、「社群網站使用行為調查表」、「現實生活人際互動量表」和「學習風格檢核表」。而問卷調查所得的資料分別以「敘述統計」、「t檢定考驗」、「單因子變異數分析」和「皮爾遜積差相關分析」等統計方法進行處理。   研究結果發現: 一、高中生使用和瀏覽他人社群網站的原因皆與現實生活和同儕的互動有關,但較偏愛在現實中與他人互動;他們最常用網誌和相簿的功能,在網路上是較喜愛看圖片或影像的內容。 二、女性高中生比男性高中生更喜愛使用社群網站。 三、高職生比普通高中生更喜愛使用影音;而普通高中生在網路上較喜愛看文字的內容,且比高職生和五專生更喜歡以原創性的方式表達自己的想法、感受,並會深入探究與理解所學習的知識。 四、高中生最重視與同儕的互動關係,但父母與師長對其仍具有影響力。 五、使用社群網站中互動功能越多的高中生,其現實人際互動關係越親密。 六、越喜愛使用影音功能的學生,較偏愛單向訊息的接收以及在網路上與他人互動,且在現實中與同學、朋友的互動關係會越不親密,但與師長的互動關係反而會越親密。 七、高中生的學習風格大多為社交、友善以及人際取向的,而且他人的肯定與關懷對他們來說是十分重要的。 八、在網路上偏愛看圖片或影像內容的高中生,在學習中較偏好能看到有具體的結果,而且希望有機會能實際動手操作所學到的知能。   根據以上的結果,本研究提出一些具體的意見及建議,以供學校任課老師與諮商輔導人員作為教學上與輔導上的參考依據之一。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation on social network website usage with interpersonal interaction and learning style among high school students. The subjects are grade one to three students of public and private senior high school, vocational school and five-year upper secondary school in Taipei. The researcher adopts cluster sampling to collect 768 valid questionnaires. The materials are the “Basic information table”, the “Social network website usage questionnaire”, the “Real interpersonal interaction scale” and the “Learning style checklist”. The gathered data are analyzed by several statistical procedures, such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation.  The major findings are as followings: 1.The reasons of that high school students use and browse social network websites are related with the peer interaction in real life, as they more like to interact with others in reality than on the Internet. Their favorite functions are blog and photo album, and they like to see the contents of picture or video on the Internet. 2.Female high school students like to use social networking websites more than male high school students. 3.Vocational school students like to use audio and video functions more than senior high school students. Compare with the vocational school and five-year upper secondary school students, the senior high school students like to read text contents on the Internet, and they like to use more creative ways to express their ideas and feelings, they also have more discussions into the explored learning. 4.High school students emphasize peer interaction, but parents and teachers still have some influence on them. 5.Using interactive functions and the real interpersonal relationship have a significantly positive correlation. 6.The students who like to use more audio and video functions have the tendency to receive one-way message and to interact with others on the Internet, and thus they have less intimate interactions with classmates and friends in real life, but ironically they are closer to teachers. 7.High school students’ learning style is social, friendly, and interaction-oriented, the support and care from others are also very important to them. 8.The students who like to see picture or video contents on the Internet prefer to have the exact results in their studies, and they also expect to have the chance to do the practical trainings.  Based on the abovementioned results and discussions, the researcher has made some useful comments and suggestions for the teachers and counselors.




