  • 學位論文


Robotic Interactions According to D*Lite

指導教授 : 楊智旭


現今能提供自主移動之智能體(Intelligent Agent)以幫助人類維持社會功能者,其技術日益完善,然從社會學角度檢驗此一個智能體之發展,闡述其間之聯結尚付諸闕如。本研究以社會學之觀點提出了社會中互動需求與機器人導航之關聯性,再擴大社會需求面之討論,就其功能學派找到一個立論基礎,定義出人-機器人或機器人-機器人互動的方式與種類。從人類的服務需求,關聯到互動之不同、關聯到機器人之行為及如何提供服務,再關聯到機器人導航之議題,最後關聯到其核心的動態路徑規則。本研究假設安養院為社會環境之案例,說明年長者在安養院之中確實可將機器人導入提供照護與互動之服務,藉以回顧證明人機互動與路徑規劃系統之間的關聯性。


People can get easily helps from intelligently autonomous mobile agents nowadays. The services from the agents maintain social function as a part of human-robot interaction(HRI). As the technical developments improve increasingly, there is still lacks of clarification of the social functions which the mobile agents can achieve, and relationship-discovery between the humanbings and the agents subject to the HRI. From sociological aspect, this paper seeks the sociological relevance created by this kind of HRI, and evaluates the corresponding social value by taking significant examples. Starting from a causality analysis between the soscial needs which the humanbeings desire and the accessible services which the agents can provide, this paper confirms first the value of navigating an agent to finish the service, and recognizes the navigation as one part of the interaction during the service. The core technique of this kind of robotic interaction monitors the dynamic changes of enviroment, provides an adquate route plan to reach the goal service, and reacts properly the environemntal changes during approaching the goal. This paper expands the discussions of social needs, and gains its fundations of this research in sructural functionalism. Cases of human-robot and robot-robot interactions are analyzed and classifiied based on the functionalism. The services corresponding to humanbeings' needs differ from case to case but the navigating interactions preceeding the the services are consistently matching to a topic of dynamic path planning. A dynamic path replanner is thus the core thechnique to accomplish such kinds of social works. A case of nursing home was taken as an example for the study. Sinaorios of the nursing home were explored and implemented by a down-scaled simulation with the D* lite path replanner. The simulation confirms significantly the social value of the service of a mobile angent with its ability in path planning.


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