  • 學位論文


Investigation on Cognition and Attitudes of Medical, Nursing and Social Work Students concerning the Medical Rights of Persons with Disabilities

指導教授 : 汪淑娟


因應我國身心障礙人口數已超過百萬人,政府在2014年將《身心障礙權利公約》(CRPD)國內法化,希望落實保障身心障礙者權利之精神,近幾年來也陸續簽屬數個國際公約,努力使我國與國際接軌,此外,更積極推動相關法令保障身心障礙者醫療權利,2015年底,《病人自主權法案》三讀通過,法案明訂服務使用者擁有自己的醫療決策權等,雖然病患的自主意識的抬頭,但身心障礙者在社會中仍是弱勢族群,在就醫過程中,醫事專業人員(例如,醫師、護理師、社工師)的態度及認知極有可能影響到身心障礙者醫療權利的落實,本研究調查將來可能進入醫療院所工作的學生(醫學系、護理系及社工系),對於身心障礙者醫療權利的認知與態度,在我國推動身心障礙權利公約,並且將國際公約國內法化後,希望相關研究結果能作為未來身障政策擬定與身障教育的參考依據。   本研究針對台中市內醫學系、護理系和社工系四年級的學生進行調查,以研究者自製問卷「學生對身心障礙者的醫療權利認知程度」,共發放985份,回收有效份數為657份,整體回收率66.7%,並得出以下的研究結果與建議。 一、 主修科系背景會影響學生對於身心障礙者醫療權利認知的程度,其中社工系的學生分數呈現較高、其次為護理系,最後為醫學系。 二、 有關無障礙環境與通用設計,和身心障礙者權利公約的部分,研究結果發現學生的認知分數低,故未來仍需繼續宣導相關議題。 三、 有關學生對於身心障礙者醫療權利認知的部分,學生認知分數高,代表學生普遍了解身心障礙者擁有醫療權利。 四、 在受過課程訓練後,有助於提高學生對身心障礙者的認知。 五、 學生在提供身障服務的意願分數高,但對身障者的態度分數低,顯示仍有教育空間以提升友善服務態度。


In Taiwan, there are more than one million persons with disabilities. The government endowed legal status by an Implementation Act for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2014. At the end of 2015, the parliament passed "Patient Self-Determination Act"(PSDA). All these efforts were to promote and to protect medical and human rights of persons with disabilities. To ensure that persons with disabilities can enjoy full medical rights, the cognition and attitudes of health professional, also play an important role. The study aimed to investigate the cognition and attitudes of college students with a major in medicine, nursing, or social work. Since these college students are likely to practice their professions in medical fields after graduation, understanding their cognition and attitudes towards persons with disabilities will help to better medical fields with equal rights for all. Data was collected using questionnaire designed by the researcher. All the senior students with the three majors in Taichung area were included in this research; 985 questionnaires were distributed. The response rate was 66.7%. The findings and conclusions were as follows: 1. College majors affected students' cognition and attitudes toward the medical rights of persons with disabilities. Social work students had highest score, followed by nursing students and medical students. 2. Students were not familiar with barrier-free environments, general design and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 3. Students' cognition scores toward the medical rights of persons with disabilities were high. 4. Students taking related classes score higher than their counterparts on the whole questionnaire. 5. Students showed willingness to offer services to persons with disabilities but their attitude scores were relatively low indicating that students should be educated to better their attitudes.


