  • 學位論文


The relationship between college students’attachment style and psychological adjustment following the heartbreaking experience:social support as a moderator

指導教授 : 王慶福


本研究旨在探討大學生之依附風格和失戀後的心理調適間之關聯性,並以社會支持為調節變項。本研究以目前就讀國內大學且最近一年內經歷失戀之學生為研究母群進行立意取樣,共得有效問卷229份。使用的研究工具包括「個人基本資料」、「依附風格量表」、「社會支持量表」以及「失戀調適量表」,所得資料以描述統計、皮爾遜積差相關分析和階層迴歸分析等進行統計分析。 本研究發現,大學生之安全型依附風格得分愈高,其失戀的痛苦、對愛情懷疑與否定、報復的衝動、對戀愛迷惘和傷害自己或對方等得分愈低,且排除型依附風格得分愈高者亦有上述相同結果;然焦慮型依附風格得分愈高,其失戀的痛苦、對愛情懷疑與否定、報復的衝動、對戀愛迷惘和傷害自己或對方等得分愈高,且逃避型依附風格得分愈高者亦有上述相同結果。此外,本研究亦發現,情緒支持、認知支持、實質支持和社會陪伴支持對依附風格和失戀調適間之關係各具有其特殊之調節功能,即依據失戀者之依附風格傾向,給予其適合的社會支持,將更助於其調適因失戀後而產生的失落。 最後根據研究結果,對實務工作者、大學生個體以及未來研究提供相關建議以供參考。


The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between college students’ attachment style and psychological adjustment following the heartbreaking experience, and social support as a moderator. The sample of 229 students was chosen from college through purposive sampling. The content of questionnaires contained personal background, Attachment Style, Social Support and psychological adjustment following the heartbreaking experience. The researcher analyzed the collected data by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The major findings were as follows: The higher scores in Secure Attachment Style, the lower scores in distress, denial to love, revenge impulse, perplexed by love and self hurt or making injury. Similar results were found in people who had the higher scores in Dismissing Attachment Style. On the contrary, the higher scores in Preoccupied Attachment Style, the higher scores in distress, denial to love, revenge impulse, perplexed by love and self hurt or making injury. Similar results were found in people who had the higher scores in Fearful Attachment Style. Moreover, emotional support, informational support, instrumental support and social accompanying support had special moderate effect on the relationship between attachment style and psychological adjustment following break-ups. In conclusion, we can provide the appropriate social support for people according to their attachment style, and it will more help them adjust to the loss from the heartbreaking experience. Finally, according to the findings of this study, we provide suggestions for counselors, college students and researchers for further studies.


