  • 學位論文


Development and application of a novel digital lip-closing force measurement system

指導教授 : 林志峰


背景與目的:頰唇動作障礙(Buccolabial dyskinesia)為顏面侵入性治療後和神經失能患者常伴隨的問題。有學者提出為頰唇動作障礙患者擬定復健計畫前主要要先評估其唇閉合力。唇閉合功能在日常生活功能中除了進食也兼具語言表達、咀嚼、吞嚥以及表情動作。因此本研究目的為開發新穎數位化唇閉合力量測系統。方法:量測系統包含(1)壓力感測單元(2)訊號整合處理及通訊單元(3)平板電腦(4)固定機構設計。測試包含信度、男女性別比較、量測位置比較以及咀嚼慣用側關係。結果:信度部分最大力量(ICC=0.734)、平均力量(ICC=0.684);性別比較最大力量(P=0.004)、平均力量(P=0.004)、反應時間(P=0.041)、上升時間(P=0.009);量測位置為中間和右邊 (P=0.002)、量測位置為中間和左邊(P=0.033)。結論:新穎數位化唇閉合力量測系統具有中度到良好(Good)的可信度、較小型以及可攜帶。女性唇閉合力量大於男性力量,男性的唇閉合爆發力以及反應能力較女性佳。測量位置為中間時其唇閉合平均力量大於所施測的左側以及右側,且唇閉合力無慣用側的影響。臨床意義:唇閉合力量測系統開發可提供頰唇動作障礙患者評估,幫助患者了解唇閉合動作功能,以建立有效治療目標。


Background and Purpose: Buccolabial dyskinesia is a problem which patients of facial invasive treatment or neurological disability. Some scholars have pointed to Buccolabial dyskinesia rehabilitation programs intended primarily assess their lip-closing force. Lip closure function in life, in addition to eating but also language expression, chewing, swallowing and emotes. Therefore, this study is to develop of a novel digital lip-closing force measurement system. Method:System including (1)Lip-Closing force measurement component(2)Signal processing and communication unit(3) Tablet Computer(4)Fixed mechanism. Test includes reliability, gender difference, different measurement position, dominant side. Result: Reliability in maximum force(ICC = 0.734), mean force(ICC = 0.684);Gender difference in maximum force (P = 0.004), mean force (P = 0.004), reaction time (P = 0.041), rise time (P = 0.009); measurement position is middle and right (P = 0.002), the measurement location is the center and left (P = 0.033). Conclusion: Measurement system has a moderate to good reliability, smaller and portable. Female has greater lip-closing force than male. Male has greater power and reaction time than female. Measuring position in the middle side has greater force than right and left, and the lip-closing force without the dominant side effects. Clinical contribution: Lip closure force measurement system developers can provide assessments, to establish an effective therapeutic target.


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