  • 學位論文


The effect of a web-based course on nursing students’ knowledge toward violence intervention

指導教授 : 盧燕嬌


隨著網路科技的發展,其相關的產品被運用於各個領域,而在教育方面之運用也不 例外。網路教學的學習方式日益盛行,若能了解傳統教學與網路教學間之差異,且協助 學生有好的學習經驗,如此有助於護生對於疾病資訊有正向認知與正確面對及處理。故 本研究之目的欲探討傳統學習課程與應用網路教學對於護理系學生學習精神科暴力處 置-知識學習成效之差異,並了解其相關因素問題,實際給予改善建議,希冀能為日後 教學及研究的參考。 本研究實驗研究設計,針對護理系大學三年級學生,於精神科暴力處置課,以隨機 取樣之方式,分成網路教學組與傳統教學組。以暴力處置-知識問卷於上課前後施以前、 後測,再以T 檢定分析此兩組之前測、後測其研究結果顯示: 一、傳統教學組與網路教學組於暴力處置知識量表的前後測總分數,以配對T檢定, 分別得到(t=3.36,p=0.002,)與(t=4.24,p=0.000),顯示兩組後測成績皆有明顯進步; 兩組後測總成績,以獨立T檢定分析,其結果(p = 0.515)顯示二組經不同教學方式後,其 教學成效無顯著差異。二、比較傳統教學組及網路教學組兩組後測總成績,以非劣性檢 定(p = 0.025),顯示網路教學組後測總成績不亞於傳統教學組。三、在答題分析中發現, 兩種教學方法對於學生的學習成效都是有所助益的。四、分析問卷中的五大題型分析也 發現傳統教學與網路教學對不同的大題,也都能增進學生之學習成效。


Online learning has attracted remarkable attention since the emergence of the internet technology and the development of relevant applications. Technological innovations have significantly changed the traditional learning style. The internet can serve as a learning medium and deliver educational materials to the target population. And the internet has also been widely used for medical and nursing education. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of an online violence intervention training course and a traditional course on nursing students’ knowledge toward dealing with aggressive patients. This study adopted the pretest/posttest experimental design. Seventy third-year nursing students from a private university located in central Taiwan were recruited and randomly assigned to either an experimental group (n=36) or a control group (n=34). The experimental group received a 50-minute online training course designed by a psychiatric nurse instructor whereas the control group received a traditional lecture by the same instructor. Students’ Knowledge toward Violence Intervention Scale (31 items) was administered to both groups on two separate occasions (pretest: 10 minutes before the lecture; posttest: 2 weeks after the lecture). The t-tests were performed to compare the control and the experimental groups on the Students’ Knowledge toward Violence Intervention Scale (SKTVIS) scores. The results showed that the posttest scores were significantly higher than pretest scores for both groups (t=3.36﹐p=0.002 and t=4.24﹐ p=0.000, respectively). However, the experimental group did not differ from the control group on the posttest scores (p = 0.515). In addition, a non-inferiority test was conducted to compare the posttest SKTVIS scores for both groups. The results indicated that experimental group was not inferior to the control group (p = 0.025). In conclusion, this research suggests that there are no apparent differences between the traditional course and online course of the violence intervention training course. Therefore, both the traditional and the online course can improve nursing students’ knowledge toward violence intervention. It is suggested that faculties and instructors should consider developing and evaluating online teaching courses as an alternate teaching method.


