  • 學位論文


Study of tea polyphenol containing milk powder on antioxidation and physiological effect on liver and skin

指導教授 : 王進崑 陳肅霖


許多研究指出,茶多酚具有預防心血管疾病及癌症等功效。本研究將茶多酚與奶粉結合,在茶多酚發揮促進功效同時,也能夠補充牛奶鈣質及營養素。研究目的在於了解飲用多酚奶是否有效延緩衰老,包括改善人體血漿抗氧化能力、增加抗氧化酵素活性並評估其護肝與皮膚改善之功效。 本試驗共計有42位健康之受測者(男性17人,女性25人)全程參與,分為兩組同步進行,研究採隨機、安慰劑對照、雙盲暨交叉試驗設計。實驗期間共計十三個月,一組在試驗前半年服用安慰劑,後半年服用多酚奶,中間的一個月為wash out period;另一組則是先服用多酚奶再服用安慰劑。試驗期間第零、三、六、十及十三個月,測量體位、收集血液檢體並進行腹部超音波檢測與皮膚檢測。 結果顯示,每天食用2包(35g/包)多酚奶粉(每包溶於240毫升之飲用水),連續六個月後,對體位無顯著影響。顯著提升血漿之總抗氧化力(trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity; TEAC),且血漿中脂質過氧化物(thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances; TBARS)含量顯著地被調降。血漿中抗氧化物質如總酚類化合物、麩胱苷肽(reduced glutathione; GSH)及維他命C(ascorbic acid)之含量皆有顯著增加。紅血球內抗氧化酵素活性,包括葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酶(glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; G-6-PDH)、觸酶(catalase)、麩胱苷肽過氧化酶(glutathione peroxidase; GSH Px)、麩胱苷肽還原酶(glutathione reductase; GSH Rd)的活性及麩光苷肽轉移酶(glutathione S-transferase; GST)皆被顯著地提高。腹部超音波的臨床檢查結果可知,42位受測者飲用多酚奶粉後,肝、腎器官並無顯著改變。而皮膚檢測之結果則顯示,60歲以上老年人,手臂皮膚之彈性方面,有顯著提升,在皮膚紋理方面也有顯著改善。


Many studies show that tea polyphenols help to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. This study was focused on the health benefits of combined tea polyphenols and milk. To provide the dairy calcium and nutrients, and also give the function of tea polyphenols. Antioxidation, antiaging and the improvement on liver and skin were determined in this study. This was a randomized, placebo controlled, double blind and cross over design. 42 subjects (17 males and 25 females, separated into two groups) were completely involved in this study. The total experimental period was thirteen months. One group of the subjects took placebo in initial six months and tea polyphenol milk in later six months, one month between the two periods as wash-out period. The other group took tea polyphenol milk in initial six months and placebo in later six months. Anthropometric measurements, blood collection, abdominal ultrasonic and skin examination was given at initial, 3th, 6th, 10th, 13th month during this testing period. The result revealed that subjects taking 2 tea polyphenol milk for six months no significant difference in anthropometric characteristics. However, total antioxidant capability of plasma was significantly increased and TBARS values were greatly reduced. In addition, the levels of total phenols, GSH and ascorbic acid in plasma were significantly increased. Antioxidant enzymes such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, catalase, glutathione peroxide, glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase in erythrocytes were significantly increased. No effects on liver and kidney were found. Skin elasticity for people over 60 years old was significantly improved and skin roughness also greatly reduced after administration of tea polyphenol milk.


tea phenol milk powder antioxidation skin function


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