  • 學位論文


Experience of intimate partner violence among adolescent mothers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 童伊迪 鐘道詮


隨著國內外親密關係暴力(intimate partner violence, IPV)日趨的嚴重,相關研究也隨之增加。現今研究普遍集中於成年的親密關係暴力,對於未成年懷孕女性所遇到的暴力,卻少有關注。使得我們對於未成年懷孕女性面對親密關係暴力的威脅與攻擊及所產生的影響所知甚少。 本研究採質化研究的深度訪談法,以立意取樣,瞭解6名於未成年階段懷孕的女性在親密關係中的受暴經驗。研究結果發現,未成年懷孕女性遭受親密關係暴力的歷程與一般婦女的受暴經驗雖有相似;然而,透過未成年懷孕女性的受暴經驗分析,仍有其特殊之處,歸納本研究六大重要的研究發現:透過懷孕來逃離受創的生命經驗、受於原生家庭的影響、社會文化層面的牽制、弱化的自主權、環環相扣的無助感與徘徊在受暴中的依靠。本研究的未成年懷孕女性多來自於家暴或受虐的原生家庭,透過懷孕逃離原生家庭的受創生命經驗,卻又落入親密關係中的受暴處境,使得懷孕之後陷於暴力循環,深刻地影響未成年懷孕與受暴的經歷,而在受暴的困境是自主權弱化、喪失的過程與社會文化層面的無形牽制,故對於自己受暴演變為不能說、不想說與不會說;漸漸地,身處於層層相扣的無助感受,只能徘徊依靠受暴中伴侶資源。 研究者根據研究發現,提出以突破未成年懷孕女性在受暴中的隱匿與烙印的研究反思。對於未成年懷孕女性的親密關係暴力經驗研究,可以提醒社會工作者的處遇重點以接納,瞭解年輕婦女的受暴經驗背後隱藏的限制,增強求助意願,提供切的資源與支持;對於教育工作者可協助學生對親密關係及暴力的認識與防治,進而提供適宜之有效的處遇服務。


The Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is increasing globally. More studies are done in relevant to IPV. Most of these IPV studies focus on adults. Nevertheless, these studies rarely discuss teenage pregnancy including young adult mothers or adolescent mothers. Thus, only limited reports are revealed about teenage pregnancy—how these females are influenced after being threated and attacked by their partners. This research aims to study the Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) that teenage pregnancy suffered. Interviews with six adolescent mothers are conducted. They share their experiences of how they suffered from violence in intimate relationships. These interviewees are all younger than 25 years old. Adolescent mothers whose experiences of being bullied are listed in this research. This is to figure out what types of violence teenage pregnancy could possibly suffer from. In addition, this is to analyze how pregnancy affected adolescent mothers who had suffered from Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Moreover, most teenage pregnancy females are from domestic violence or were bullied by their families before. This is proved by researches globally. However, this study further explains how adolescent mothers strongly affected by their childhood domestic violence, as well as, further analyzes how they react to IPV after marriage. Meanwhile, this study reveals the fact that culture weakens female self-determination and culture is teenage pregnancy’s biggest obstacle. Culture makes female difficult to fight for their rights and make females unwillingly concede their rights to bully. This is why young mothers usually do not dare to speak out loud when they suffer from Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). These adolescent mothers’ only hope is their offspring. They are willing to keep surviving no matter how deeply IPV hurts them. Surviving for their sons or daughters is the only reason. This research also compared the difference of level being bullied between adolescent mothers and young adult mothers. 6 main common characteristics among teenage pregnancy are found and listed below: Use pregnancy as a mean to recover from childhood domestic violence, strapped in their past experiences from their grown-up family, lack of self-determinations, stay helplessly in violence, feel helpless toward all-linked-with-one-another violence, and have only one hope— their offspring in lifetime. It is believed that research on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) can make practicable contributions to educational and social workers. This study helps these workers to have a better understanding of teenage pregnancy and thus to give them proper assistance.


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