  • 學位論文


In the name of Pro-Family: Paternalism and Social Exclusion in the Anti-LGBT Movement's translation of human rights in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王曉丹


自九零年代起,台灣的同志運動以人權為論述基礎,陸續促成了一些社會變革。伴隨著同志運動的進展,反同運動也在近十數年間逐漸集結,形成強而有力的反制運動(countermovement),並開始投入人權工作、提出自己的人權論述,與同志運動爭奪人權的詮釋權。   過去的研究指出,國際人權法要落實在全球各地,需要先透過轉譯者(translator)的轉譯,使人權的概念與本土文化脈絡相結合,進而改變人們的權利意識,此即人權的「在地化」(vernacularization)。然而,當反制運動與初始運動從相反的觀點轉譯人權,人權在地化仍然是提升人民權利意識以求實踐人權這樣的線性過程嗎?本文以論述分析法輔以深度訪談法,梳理在人權在地化的過程中,反同運動作為人權的轉譯者,如何詮釋人權與傳統文化,而其人權論述又對同志運動與台灣社會的性別人權文化產生何種衝擊。   本文從法理論出發,發現反同運動透過轉譯人權,將人權與傳統文化中的家父長主義(paternalism)結合,藉此取得運動的正當性基礎、並以人權重新合理化家父長主義的控制。在這個過程中,反同運動試圖以情感層面的號召,例如喚起人們對於當代家庭型態改變的不安、家長有責無權的焦慮等情緒,抵銷同志運動提升人權意識的努力,二者之間形成一種意識的拉鋸。   本文也以性別理論分析,反同運動藉由人權論述策略,將父權社會下習而不察的厭女(misogyny)機制,與忌性(sex negativity)、恐同(homophobia)的思維融為一體,使之成為意識拉鋸的一個端點,與同志運動的人權訴求對抗。厭女、忌性、恐同的論述一再被傳誦的結果可能是:二元對立的性別框架更加鞏固,逸脫於此框架之外的異己則更加被排除。


Ever since the 1990s, the LGBT movement has been making achievements based on human rights discourse. However, the anti-LGBT movement has gathered a strong countermovement in the past ten years in Taiwan. They have started investing in human rights work as the LGBT movement has been doing, but presenting their own human rights discourse to compete against the LGBT movement for the interpretation of human rights. International human rights law needs to be translated not only into local language, but also in the local cultural context to raise people's right consciousness, and to be implemented. This process is called “the vernacularization of human rights”. However, when the countermovement and the initial movement translate human rights from the opposite point of view, is the vernacularization of human rights still a linear process of raising people's consciousness of rights in order to implement human rights? In this thesis, I will be using the discourse analysis method and the in-depth interview method to argue that the anti-LGBT movement has been combining human rights with paternalism by translating human rights, in order to gain the legitimacy of the movement. In this process, the anti-LGBT movement tries to stir people's emotions to offset the LGBT movement's efforts of raising people's right consciousness. It creates a close and tough battle between the 2 parties. I also suggest that the anti-LGBT movement promotes misogyny, sex negativity, and homophobia into their human rights discourse. By doing so, they strengthen gender binary, and social exclusion of LGBT people.


