  • 學位論文


Landscape Design of Yi-Chin-Yuan

指導教授 : 喬凌浩


本研究針對頤親園建築戶外開放空間,作一景觀之設計規劃,預期以透過景觀規劃的方式,改善社會大眾對於現今,生命事業場域的觀感。 親友別離時的哀傷,是需要平緩的。我們不能改變哀傷事件的本質,因此希望能夠藉由經過規劃的園區,讓家屬在舉辦儀式的片刻休息時間中,感受到戶外開放空間、公園式的景觀設計,藉以緩和、調適悲傷的心情。 園區整體的景觀規劃,以大面積的綠帶,取代現今生命事業戶外空間常見的水泥與柏油,藉以紓解家屬哀傷的心靈感受。園區內部四季樹形的枝葉變化與花期的交錯,展現出生生不息,「生命循環」的意象。意含逝者的離開,也許是另一段新旅程的開始。 頤親園期望能夠為逝者,提供有著尊隆的環境慎終,走完人生的最後一段路。對於生者,在處於經過規劃的園區,帶來平和的心靈感受,撫慰哀傷的心情。讓園區能從地方社區化的服務做起,進而倚仗便利的交通,為更大範圍的民眾來服務。也讓這一個全新形態的生命事業,能夠以在地、低耗能、永續的長期發展,作為國內相關產業的指標與領先者。


The study concentrates on the landscape design for Yi-Chin-Yuan and we expect to change the way people feel toward the funeral business through landscape design. Although people attend funerals with a sorrowful mood, we would like to soothe their emotion with a garden-themed landscape design when they take a walk at the funeral. In the landscape design, we substitute common concrete with grassy areas to comfort people’s heart. With the plants blooming and fading again and again, it indicates reincarnation of lives and also a new trip for the souls. The designed environment will fit in the atmosphere for the funeral and it will also bring people a peaceful mind. We plan to let the garden not only service the local community but also other people due to its convenient location. The landscape design will also bring a brand new version for the funeral business, and hopefully it can have sustainable development and be the top model in the field efficiently.


14. 「Our Common Future—The World Commission onEnvironment and Development.」。
1. 歐陽峤暉,2001,都市環境學,台北:詹氏書局。
2. 台灣建築 2010 四月 vol.175 p.18。
3. 羅宗仁,2007,台灣種樹大圖鑑(上),天下文化。
