  • 學位論文


The Applicability Studyof Affiliate Marketing

指導教授 : 張文華


聯盟行銷 (Affiliate Marketing) 在歐美是廣泛被運用的廣告行銷模式。在1995年,Amazon.com率先推出「聯盟計劃」 (Affiliate Program),提供轉介獎金給帶來訂單的人。此後更有聰明的業者將聯盟行銷建立為專業的「網盟平台」(Affiliate Network),要用來媒合及管理廣告主與轉介者之間的關係與交易,其中包括在 2003年被ValueClick以5800萬美金購併的Commission Junction,及在2005年被日本樂天以 4.25億美金購併的 LinkShare。 隨著網路社群時代的到來,越來越多品牌運用聯盟行銷方式來傳遞他們的商品資訊,亦有更多網友在家中藉著試用廠商產品以及撰寫證言式評論,每當自己推薦的產品成交便可獲取抽成。針對聯盟行銷的操作內涵來探討網路廣告對消費者和廣告商家所造成之影響,並利用台灣最大之聯盟行銷商家通路王(iChannels)之行銷商品記錄,運用質化分析之研究方法,研究剖析聯盟行銷的適用性。


Affiliate marketing in Europe and America is the most widely utilized advertising and marketing model. In 1995, Amazon.com launched the "Alliance Program" and provides referral bonuses to whom bring order in. Later some clever business owner created a professional“Alliance Network Platform" to match and manage the connection and transaction between customer and promoter, for example, ValueClick spent 58 million U.S. dollars to merger Commission Junction in 2003, and Japanese Lotte website spent 425 million dollars to merger LinkShare in 2005. With the developing of Internet community, more and more famous brands use affiliate marketing to promote their product information, and there are also more and more users try to work at home. After trying trial and testimony, they will announce the article and testimony on the social community to detail their product reviews, whenever their recommended products Focus on operating methods of affiliate marketing, we want to discuss the effect on consumers and customers, and moreover I analyse the selling records from iChannels, which is the largest affiliate marketing company in Taiwan, and using of the method of qualitative analysis to analyse the applicability of affiliate marketing.


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