  • 學位論文


Benefit Analysis of Small Wind Turbines Installation on The High-rise buildings

指導教授 : 林正平


能源是我們日常生活及社會發展不可或缺的重要元素。台灣進口能源依存度高,因此如何在現今能源短缺的情況下,有效利用再生能源成為目前重要的課題。我國地小人稠,高層建物多,而當風機與建築結合時,屋頂區因風速強為較理想的裝設地點,但氣流在經過建築物時,因上升氣流影響,使流場遭破壞形成渦流;另外風機間位置也會影響到流場狀況,位於下風處風機會遭受到上風處風機的尾流影響,使其發電效益降低。 本研究先透過設定風機間距變因,再利用流體力學數值模擬軟體(CFD,Computational Fluid Dynamics),模擬風機尾流流場狀況。並利用風力發電理論公式,比較變因組風機之發電效益,再配合建築頂部流場模擬,歸納出建築物屋頂單位面積下較佳的風機擺放位置和數量,並作成本效益分析。 經程式模擬及敏感度分析後,可歸納出Y/r(風機水平間距/葉片半徑)=13.6後,下風處風機已近乎不受上風處風機影響;而當H/r (風機中心轉軸垂直間距/葉片半徑) =1.44,風機受尾流效應的影響已大幅縮減,此時如將Y/r縮小至7.2,並不影響下游風機發電效益,以其為準則,再以建築頂部穩流區限制高度來調整風機位置,整理出高層建築物上風機組較具效益的擺放位置與數量。研究案例經由成本效益分析後,可得淨現值(NPV)為NT$ 420,662,而躉購期滿所能獲得之終值(FV)為NT$ 1,976,543,其約為期初成本的1.24倍。案例於第11年還本,內部報酬率(IRR)為5.56%。


Energy is an indispensable element in our daily life and social development. Taiwan's requirement of imported energy is high and how can people do in this generations of energy shortage which is use of renewable energy effectively is becoming the important issue. There are large population and many tall building in our country. When the fan combined with the building, the roof area is the ideal location of installation due to the strong wind speed. Even though the flow has passed through the building, the effect of upward flow makes the flow field have been destruction then becoming the vortex. Furthermore, the fan location also affects the flow field situation, located downwind fan affected by the wake flow of wind turbine of upwind fan and dropped the benefit of generate electric power. In this study, setting the fan spacing variables first, and then by the fluid dynamics software (CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics) to simulation the situation of wake flow of wind turbine. Also, with the wind power theoretical formulas, analyzing each variables of generate electric power with the flow field simulation in the top of the building. To sum up the better location of fan placed with the number and manner under the roof of a building, and make the cost estimating analysis. Through the simulation program analysis can be summarized when Y/ r (the fan level spacing / leaf radius) = 13.6, the downwind fan has barely affected by the upwind fan, this conclusion is similar to previous studies. When the H/ r (the vertical spacing of the fan center pivot / leaf radius) = 1.44, the effect of wake flow of wind turbine have been substantially reduced. As the Y / r drop to 7.2, there is no affect with the benefit of generate electric power of downwind fan. With it is a criterion, adjust the fan location by way of the height limit in the building at the top of the steady flow area, arranged the better location of fan placed with the number and manner at the top of building. Through the cost estimating analysis, net present value (NPV) is NT $ 420,662, and after the wholesale purchase period get the final value (FV) is NT $ 1,976,543, its about 1.24 times of the beginning of the cost, and then repayment of principal in the eleventh year, internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 5.56%.


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