  • 學位論文


A Study for Extending Service of Refuse Incineration Plant Based on the Sustainable Development Viewpoint

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


我國主要的垃圾處理設施為垃圾焚化廠,而一座焚化廠得來不易,因為其屬鄰避設施(Not In My Back Yard, NIMBY),興設過程中容易遭受反對及抗爭,更甚者發生流血衝突。焚化廠一般規劃之營運期間為20年,而國內第一座大型垃圾焚化廠-台北市內湖焚化廠,早於民國81年即開始營運,迄今雖即將屆齡,然而其操作運轉仍相當正常,並且相關的除役法令規範仍付之闕如,應否就令其屆齡除役,或延長其服務,政府應及早規劃並評估因應。目前全台有24座大型垃圾焚化廠營運中,這些焚化廠不久也將會面臨同樣的問題。緣此,本研究主要目的為發展一套以永續發展觀點來協助決定是否垃圾焚化廠應延長服役之評估架構。 本研究首先經由廣泛文獻探討及研究生之前辦理焚化廠興建營運管理業務經驗,從永續性的環境、經濟及社會三構面,並加上政策面成為四大構面,初擬18項評估量度作為評估架構,並發展成專家問卷,以模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Methods, FDM)經由三階段問卷,篩選並確認出四大構面及20項評估量度;之後利用分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP),確認各量度的重要性權重值。研究結果顯示,評估指標中以「民眾意見」的權重最高達14.19﹪,其次為「垃圾處理成本(10.89%)」、第三為「多元化整合性廢棄物處理政策(8.09%)」。 為了回應台灣廢棄物“零廢棄”的政策,政府機關對於已操作營運多年之公有大型垃圾焚化廠,建議應儘早進行評估規劃該焚化廠是否需延長服役或轉型成其他教育設施或環保博物館。本研究為初探性研究,限於時間未能完成實證研究。建議後續研究者可以針對單一垃圾焚化廠進行案例研究,並依據該焚化廠之特性與需求考量是否調整本研究之評估架構,或是給予各量度不同或相同的權重,使整體永續策略管理與績效評估之架構更為周延。


Currently, the major treatment facility of refuse in Taiwan is refuse incineration plant. It is by no means an easy task to build an incineration plant, not just for it needs to take at least five years to build, but also for it is the NIMBY (not in my back yard) facility. During the construction or operation stages, government needs to put a lot of manpower and efforts to communicate with community and to prevent some unexpected protests. According to foreign experience, the operation period of an incineration plant is planned for 20 years. The first refuse incineration plant in Taiwan, the Naihu Incineration Plant, has been operating since 1992. Although approaching to its end of the service, it still functions well. Besides, relative retirement regulation for refuse incineration plant is still lacking, hence, the government has to find a way to evaluate the counter measures in advance before its expiration. Actually, similar situations will be encountered again and again for 24 operating refuse incineration plants will reach to their expiration in the near future. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to develop an evaluation framework based on a sustainable development viewpoint to assist in determining whether an existing incineration plant should be extended its service or not. Firstly, an extensive literature review was conducted to draft an evaluation structure. According to the contents of sustainable development, this evaluation structure is consisted of 4 aspects, namely environmental, economic, social and policy aspects, which includes 18 measures in total. Based on this structure, an expert questionnaire was developed and mailed to 10 experts by using the Fuzzy Delphi Methods (FDM) to screen and confirm the contents of the proposed structure. After that, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) is used to obtain the weighs for each measure. The final results showed “Public Opinion” received most weights (14.19%), followed by “Refuse Treatment Cost” (10.89%) and “Multiple Integration Waste Treatment Policy” (8.09%). While refuse incineration plant is still the main facility for treating refuse in Taiwan, and “ZERO WASTE” has become the trend of globe refuse treatment, government should evaluate and well prepare to determine how to deal with those incineration plants whose service life are about to expire. There are several ways of extending the service of incineration plants. This research is just a preliminary study, future study should include a case study to test the feasibility of the framework developed from this study.


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