  • 學位論文


Development of an Android-Based Health Promotion Application

指導教授 : 譚旦旭


本研究實作一套架構於行動裝置之健康促進應用程式,我們利用Android-based智慧型手持裝置讓使用者能藉由隨時記錄每日的飲食及運動內容,以方便管理本身的健康狀況,進而促進身體健康。本系統包括飲食、運動及資料紀錄三大管理單元。不同於其他的應用程式,我們結合飲食資料庫以及餐飲和運動的推薦系統,讓使用者能從自己的喜好中選擇最健康的餐點及合適的運動。我們也與學校的餐廳合作,推出方便查詢的餐點資料,並擁有雲端同步功能。 我們透過執行一連串的健康促進活動及問卷調查,評估此應用程式的效用,實驗結果顯示我們開發的應用程式具備實用潛力,可以協助使用者掌握自己的身體狀況,進而促進身體健康。


This study develops a health promotion application by using Android-based mobile device, with which user can easily manage their physical condition via recording daily diet and exercise, therefore promoting their health. This system consists of three management units, which are diet, exercise, and data recording units. Unlike other applications, we combine database which stores foods information, together with recommendation system for diet and sport, to allow user to choose appropriate diet and sport. We also cooperate with NTUT restaurant to develop healthy menu; users can easily access the menu via cloud computing. A series of health promotion activities and a questionnaire survey have been conducted to evaluate effectiveness of this application. Experimental results show that the proposed application can effectively help user manage their own physical condition, thus has the potential in health promotion.


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