  • 學位論文


Carbon Reduction Evaluation for Residential Smart Meter

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


工業革命後,使用化石燃料生產電力,造成大氣中二氧化碳濃度升高,進而提高溫室效應,使極端氣候更為劇烈。電力部門之溫室氣體排放量在一國總排放量中最為顯著,自從京都議定書簽定後,電力部門的減碳計劃成為非常重要的議題。智慧型電網整合再生能源、負載管裡等優點,是未來電力部門節能減碳的利器。智慧型電表是智慧型電網中的重要元素,它提供雙向資訊傳遞的功能,使電力公司了解使用者的用電量,同時提供電價資訊給消費者。搭配動態電價機制,智慧型電表可使尖峰負載下降,減少能源使用,進而減少溫室氣體排放。 本研究假設一個家庭用戶之整日用電情形,家電除了啟動時間、使用使間,還有可提前或往後的容忍移動時間。使用智慧型電表的家戶,可藉著調整家電啟動時間以減少電費。本研究依照電費高低共模擬四種情境:電費稍低、電費較低、電費更低、電費最低,並分別計算四種情境下家庭用戶整日之溫室氣體排放量。 研究結果顯示,電費較低、電費更低、電費最低情境之溫室氣體排放量皆小於基本情境,排放量分別為-0.00009 Kg CO2e、-0.00004 Kg CO2e與-0.00015 Kg CO2e,減少比例為-0.0009%、-0.00035%與-0.00146%,平均下降0.000093 Kg CO2e,平均減少比例為0.0009 %。顯示安裝智慧型電表後,有助於減少家庭用戶之溫室氣體排放量。 研究同時也發現,為了讓整日電費最低,假想用戶會避開電價較高的時段使用電器,並在電價較低時使用電器,除了有負載轉移效果,也觀察到反彈效應發生。


After the industrial revolution, production of electricity by using fossil fuels results in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration raise. The increase of the greenhouse effect causes the more intense extreme weather. Greenhouse gas emission in power sector is the most significant in a country's total emissions. Since Kyoto Protocol signed, carbon reduction in power sector has become a very important issue. Smart Grid integrating renewable energy and load management will be a powerful tool to reduce carbon emission in power sector in the future. Smart meter is an important element in smart grid, which provides two-way information delivery capabilities so that the utilities have the ability to understand the user's behavior. In addition, smart meter also can provide price information to consumers. With time-varying price, smart meter can drop peak load and reduce energy use, hence reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, a hypothesized home appliances schedule is established. The schedule includes start-up time, the duration of using a specific appliance, and tolerant start-up time (either delay or ahead) for using that specific appliance. Home user with smart meter can adjust start-up time of appliances for lowing electricity bills. According to the degree of reduced bill, four scenarios are proposed; they are low electricity bills, lower electricity bill, very low electricity bills, and lowest electricity bills. Greenhouse gas emissions of these four scenarios are then calculated and compared with the base scenario, which is no schedule changed. The results show that greenhouse gas emissions in lower electricity bill, very low electricity bills, and lowest electricity bills scenarios are less than the base scenario. Emissions of above scenarios are -0.00009 Kg CO2e, -0.00004 Kg CO2e and -0.00015 Kg CO2e, and their reduced percentages are -0.0009%, -0.00035, and -0.00146%, respectively. The results show that smart meter can help the residents to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The results also indicate that users may shift their operating time from high electricity price to periods of lower electricity price. Load shift and rebound effect are also observed in load curve.




