  • 學位論文


The Study of Energy-Saving Efficiency on T5 Lighting System Replacement in Apartment Buildings Public

指導教授 : 林利國


近年來隨著國家經濟成長,人民生活水準提高、都市人口快速增加、大都會區迅速發展,所以住宅有逐漸邁向集合化、高密度化的發展趨勢,故集合式住宅將是未來都會人口密集區居住型態的主流。一般集合住宅除住戶私人空間外均設有公共設施;根據我國經濟部能源局委託中技社於2004年,統計集合住宅公共設施用電比例,其中照明佔20%至50%以上,是公共空間耗電量中佔比相當大的一項設備;而照明設備是維持公共區域功能的最基本設備,且現代照明技術無論在光源與設備上皆有重大的進步;1995年4月飛利浦首次推出T5日光燈管,具有降低耗能、提升效率的特性,若能藉由T5照明系統替換傳統照明系統,將可有助於集合住宅之節能績效,進而呼應節能減碳的國家發展目標。 本研究針對純住宅與住商混合式集合住宅大樓,藉由於實地進行電力分析與照度量測,以推導T5照明系統與傳統照明系統之耗能及照明品質差異,進而對集合住宅公共空間置換T5照明系統後所帶來之節能效益與相關問題加以研析;由研究之分析結果顯示每具T5燈具較傳統T9燈具一天減少0.48度用電量、節能效益約達44%,且平均照度相差43.8 lux,增加約12%的照度;另外,由研究案例分析顯示集合式住宅更換T5照明系統在期初的更換成本雖較高,但約在更新一年八個月後即因節省的電費而相對較為經濟。


Due to national economic growth in recent years, the civilian's living standards improved, population of urban area increased rapidly and more development of metropolitan areas, therefore residential style gradual move toward to the centralize, and high density developmental trend which leads the future living style of apartment buildings as a main trend for metropolitan. In generally, besides private space the apartment buildings are equipped public facilities; According to Bureau of Energy under the Ministry of Economic Affairs commissioned in 2004,statistics shows that the power ratio of public facilities of apartments buildings housing lighting occupy 20% to 50% of the electricity consumption in, as a large proportion of equipment on electric consumption in public space; and lighting equipment is the most basic function of maintaining equipment in public areas, also the technology of lighting and equipment has a great improvement; In April 1995, Philips first introduced the T5 fluorescent tubes, with features of lower energy consumption and improve efficiency, if T5 lighting system could replace traditional lighting systems, it will help the energy conservation of apartment buildings, in order to reach the target of carbon reduction development of the nation. In this study, focus on residential and mixed residential and commercial collection of residential buildings, through on-site analysis and according to measurements of electrical measurements to derive the T5 lighting system and the traditional lighting system energy consumption and lighting quality differences, and thus the collection of residential replacement T5 lighting in public spaces system arising from the energy efficiency research and analysis of relevant issues; analysis by the research results shows T5 compare with a T9 traditional lamps one day reduce the power consumption 0.48 degrees, about 44% energy efficiency, and the average intensity difference of 43.8 lux, increased by about 12% of the illumination; in addition, the case study analysis that the replacement T5 lighting system at the beginning of the replacement costs, although higher, but after about eight months a year in the updated savings in electricity due to the relatively more economical.


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