  • 學位論文


The Application of Cloud Service in Construction Knowledge Management

指導教授 : 林祐正


全球資訊與通訊技術的發展,造就各產業的蓬勃發展,而營建業卻不如其他產業那樣地變化迅速;由於營建知識的來源多元且存在許多實務經驗的內隱知識導致整合不易,員工的離職讓經驗知識無法傳承累積、員工離開辦公室就容易產生溝通、資源共享及訊息傳遞方面上無法即時資訊同步等問題。本研究將利用雲端服務(Cloud Service)概念於網際網路上建置營建知識管理協作平台,運用資訊科技整合營建知識,系統化的蒐集、彙整過去以及未來累積的外顯知識;建置上無需另購置軟硬體成本,且無架設網站經驗者亦可輕鬆建置。期望藉由本研究專為監造駐外團隊所開發的協作平台,能提供於營建工程監造實務管理的參考,運用行動辦公室模式隨時隨地處理工作任務,包括同步資訊交換、文件電子化與跨越地理位置協同作業,利用平台電子郵件傳遞即時訊息、圖片、聲音、影像等效能來解決急迫性工地問題;更可即時上傳最新的品管紀錄、工程進度、會議通知、任務指派、專家經驗等資訊於協作平台做為現場監造的可靠後援。本研究經實際案例導入後可得知利用建置平台將營建知識系統化的蒐集與彙整後,既輔助專案外顯知識累積與分享,又可經由平台協同互動創新知識,並經由知識交流及累積可察覺出團隊專業本職學能不足之處,並準確地做有效的加強學習,有效率的整合營建知識運用,以助於提升工程品質與企業競爭力。


This study is to explore the application of cloud service in construction project information management during the construction phase. Information management plays an important role in construction management. Most of construction companies have the problems to develop their own enterprise portal because they don’t have IT abilities in development of portal. The cloud service can be one of suitable solution. The Software as a Service (Saas) way of cloud service is selected and applied in the study. The proposed cloud service approach offers useful platform to improve the information communication and management problems among project participants. Finally, the proposed cloud service approach is applied in selected case studies of Taiwan construction project to verify our proposed approach and demonstrate the effectiveness of construction knowledge management. With the evaluation of the two case studies in the Taiwan construction projects, the results show that proposed approach is effective platform to enhance the performance of construction information sharing and knowledge management for the small and middle construction companies. Finally, the advantages, limitations, and suggestions are discusses for future research and practice reference in the study.


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