  • 學位論文


A Study on Mentor’s Character to Leadership Behavior and Class Management Efficacy of Private Senior High School in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林淑珍


本研究旨在瞭解臺北市私立高級中等學校導師人格特質對領導行為與班級經營效能之差異情形,並分析探討與導師人格特質有關的個人背景資料之關係,根據研究結果提出結論與建議供相關單位及導師參考。為達此研究目的,本研究者於研究過程中,透過文獻探討整理,以相關理論為基礎,自行發展編製「臺北市私立高級中等學校導師人格特質對領導行為與班級經營效能之調查問卷」為研究工具,針對100學年度第2學期仍任教於臺北市私立中等學校之導師為研究對象,進行問卷調查,共計發出477份問卷,回收347份,有效問卷回收率為72.7%,本研究即依據此347份樣本的資料進行統計分析,採用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法加以分析,結論如下: 一、臺北市私立高級中等學校導師具有顯著的人格特質,以「親和性」為最高、其次依順序為「嚴謹自律性」、「外向性」、「經驗開放性」,而以「神經質性」為最低。 二、臺北市私立高級中等學校導師領導行為,最常採用「轉型領導」。 三、臺北市私立高級中等學校導師在班級經營效能五項層面知覺上,以「班級常規表現」最高,其次依序為「班級氣氛營造」、「教師教學品質」、「班級親師關係」,而以「班級情境規劃」為最低。 四、臺北市私立高級中等學校已婚之導師「嚴謹自律性」顯著高於未婚導師。 五、臺北市私立高級中等學校導師在神經質性、親和性、嚴謹自律性人格特質,因任教年資不同有顯著差異。 六、臺北市私立高級中等學校導師領導行為,會因導師對其人格特質知覺程度高低不同而有顯著差異,其中以「轉型領導」之顯著差異為最高。 七、臺北市私立高級中等學校導師班級經營效能,會因導師對其人格特質知覺程度高低不同而有顯著差異,其中以「班級常規表現」為最高,而以「班級情境規劃」為最低。


This research aims to understand how private high school mentors, personality traits are related to their leadership behavior and class-management efficacy, and further to discuss how their personal backgrounds relate to their personality traits. The conclusions and suggestions are made only as reference for the authorities concerned and the private high school mentors. To serve the purpose of this study, the researcher consulted relevant literature, employed related theories, and developed “The Questionnaire on Personality Traits, Leadership Behavior, and Class-management for Private High School Mentors.” The research population of the questionnaire investigation is the mentors working in private senior high and vocational high schools in Taipei City in the second semester of academic year 2011; 477 questionnaires were distributed, and 347 effective questionnaires were retrieved. The effective response rate is 72.70%. The data were analyzed and discussed with times distribution, percentages, averages, standard derivations, independent sample T-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results are as below: 1. The private high school mentors in Taipei City possess the significant personal traits, the most close to “agreeableness”, in the second place, close to “conscientiousness”, “extraversion”, “openness”, and the least close to “neuroticism”. 2. The private high school mentors in Taipei City are the most inclined to adopt the “transformation leadership”. 3. As to class-management efficacy, the private high school mentors in Taipei City are conscious of “class regulations” the most, followed by “class atmosphere”, “teaching quality”, “parent-teacher relationship”, with “teaching quality” the least. 4. In terms of “conscientiousness”, the married mentors of the private high school in Taipei City perform significantly better than the single. 5. The personality traits of “neuroticism,” “agreeableness,” and “conscientiousness,” are significantly related to how long the private high school mentors in Taipei City have taught. 6. The personality traits of the private high school mentors in Taipei City are strongly related to their leadership types, which vary with how they perceive their personality traits. The “transformation leadership” trait shows the most significance. 7. There is a strong positive correlation between the mentors’ consciousness of their personality traits and their class-management efficacy. The mentors pay the most attention to “class regulation” in the level of awareness, with the least consciousness of “classroom setting”.




