  • 學位論文

Examining the Determinants of Smartphone User's User Satisfaction and Intention to Use Social Networking Service with TAM: The Case of Facebook

Examining the Determinants of Smartphone User's User Satisfaction and Intention to Use Social Networking Service with TAM: The Case of Facebook

指導教授 : 林鳳儀


Smartphones have become much more ubiquitous and smartphone users are increasingly relying on them to store and handle personal information and communicate with many people by social networking service (SNS) such as Facebook. Using SNS applications is common on most mobile device by individuals today and they are main key to providing online service or site to construct social networks or social relations among people. This study involves extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate the effect on intention to use Facebook and user satisfaction. The TAM model has been widely used to identify the determinants of technology acceptance in many contexts, especially for predicting people’s acceptance of information technology. This research model employed basic TAM model and eight constructs: Social influence, personal innovativeness, motivation for instrumental use, information quality, system quality, service quality, and user satisfaction. The research result shows that user perception toward using Facebook which is influenced significantly by perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction of Facebook. Also, based on the finding, this study provides theoretical and practical implication for service providers by suggesting significant factors to use SNS application.


Smartphones have become much more ubiquitous and smartphone users are increasingly relying on them to store and handle personal information and communicate with many people by social networking service (SNS) such as Facebook. Using SNS applications is common on most mobile device by individuals today and they are main key to providing online service or site to construct social networks or social relations among people. This study involves extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate the effect on intention to use Facebook and user satisfaction. The TAM model has been widely used to identify the determinants of technology acceptance in many contexts, especially for predicting people’s acceptance of information technology. This research model employed basic TAM model and eight constructs: Social influence, personal innovativeness, motivation for instrumental use, information quality, system quality, service quality, and user satisfaction. The research result shows that user perception toward using Facebook which is influenced significantly by perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction of Facebook. Also, based on the finding, this study provides theoretical and practical implication for service providers by suggesting significant factors to use SNS application.


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