  • 學位論文


Design of the Interface between Urban and Campus Space – with a Case Study of the Street-front of National Taipei University of Technology Campus along XinSheng South Road

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


光華區段為北市府近年來極力推動之都市更新計劃,以華山、光華商圈、建國啤酒廠為軸,欲建構「文化、科技、產業歷史」的新行政區「科教文」意象;強調休閒、科技及地區產業與特色達成區域活化目標,並配合捷運地下路網與高架系統以吞吐人潮。 台北科技大學坐擁光華區段中心,捷運藍線忠孝新生站及橘線松江南京站於此交會,為一科技取向之文教據點,以新生南路、八德路兩側和光華區段緊繫,與光華區段有極為豐厚之共構條件。而北科大校園與光華區段便可能透過空間的交集而產生一界面空間以作為北科大與光華區段之溝通。 故本案預擬於台北科技大學新生南路沿街面為體,做為探討光華商圈與北科大相互共構議題並設計一光華商圈與北科大共構之界面空間展現其豐富性。並透過誘導式結構之操作推導出三項情境,分別是: 一、川流不息的文化饗宴; 二、潛伏而搏動的科技脈動; 三、心靈沉靜的自然悠閒。 做為北科大新生南路沿街面設計轉化的主要情境展現原則,並以此三項情境為軸操作設計實例做為本文之研究成果。


Guanghua Section is an urban renewal project that Taipei City government has been diligently working on in recent years. With Huashan, Guanghua Commercial Area and Jienguo Brewery lining up as the axis, its purpose is to form a new administrative zone that incorporates “culture, technology and industrial history” and highlights recreation, technology and local industries/features for revitalizing regional activities. The convenience of MRT’s underground network and viaduct system will be utilized to accommodate huge crowds. National Taipei University of Technology is situated at the heart of Guanghua Section, where ZhongXiao-XinSheng Station of MRT Blue Line and XongJiang- NanJing Station of MRT Orange Line meet. It is a technology-oriented cultural/ educational center closely associated with XinSheng South Road, both sides of BaDe Road and Guanghua Section and enjoying excellent conditions for co-construction with Guanghua Section. An interface space may be generated between National Taipei University of Technology campus and Guanghua Section through spatial interrelations for effective communication between the two. So this study selects the street-front of National Taipei University of Technology campus along XinSheng South Road as the body for exploration of co-construction issues pertinent to Guanghua Section and National Taipei University of Technology, and for design of an interface space between the two to demonstrate its richness. Three situations have been arrived at through the manipulation of heuristic structure: 1. Incessant cultural feast; 2. Hidden, palpitating technological pulses; 3. Effortless serenity. The three serve as the main situation-demonstration principle for design conversion of the street-front of National Taipei University of Technology campus along XinSheng South Road. The fruit of this research is represented by a design project based on these three principles.


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