  • 學位論文


Adaptive Filter and Ground Penetrating Radar for River Cross-Section

指導教授 : 陳彥璋


河川斷面為水質水理分析的重要參數之一,以往傳統河川斷面量測需耗費大量人力、時間,準確性不高且不連續。『透地雷達』 (Ground Penetrating Radar,簡稱GPR) 大量運用於大地工程與地質探測上,於地下水位深度、斷層位置探勘、堤防掏空等檢測項目中之成果相當豐碩。 本研究選定北勢溪渡南橋為實驗區域,建立透地雷達現地量測與資料分析之流程,運用適應性演算中噪聲消除系統分析透地雷達振幅,有效將透地雷達施測時產生持續水平訊號和雜訊干擾濾除,建立一適應性濾波器參數。其中適應性演算採用最小均方演算法(Least-Mean-Square﹐LMS)及遞回最小均方演算法(Recursive Least- Square﹐RLS);將透地雷達電磁波振幅特性建立透地雷達資料判釋之機制,運用EMD(經驗模態分析法)改善底床資料上下振盪情形,分析後可得連續之河川通水斷面,改進以往人為判釋之缺點。並與傳統鉛錘法所得之結果進行差異性比較,比較之結果顯示兩種方法最後分析之差異約於15%以內,證明透地雷達可運用於實際之河川通水斷面量測。


The river cross-section is water management and quality one of the analytical important parameters. Traditional river cross section measurement needed to expend a great deal of manpower and time , the accuracy wasn't high and not continuous. GPR used in a large number of engineering and geological exploration on Earth, In water table depth, fault location mining, embankments and other test items in the hollowed out very fruitful results. The study area is Beishih basin Du nan bridge.The study establishes the ground-penetrating radar measurement and data analysis process. Use of adaptive noise cancellation analysis electromagnetic wave, effective when the GPR test facilities and generate sustained horizontal of signal noise and interference filter, establishes a adaptive filter parameter. Adaptive algorithm which uses Least-Mean-Square (LMS) and Recursive Least- Square (RLS); Characteristics of the GPR electromagnetic wave to establish sub-release mechanism, use Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to improve the situation seabed information up and down oscillation, Available continuously river cross-section. Compare the differences of river cross section area with the traditional method, the river cross section area differences about 15% that’s a compare result. It’s proved using ground-penetrating radar can application for river cross section measurement.


GPR Adaptive Filte LMS RLS River cross-section area


陳彥霖(2009),「以透地雷達量測河川斷面 」,國立台北科技大學土木與防災研究所。
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