  • 學位論文


Non-point sources treatment technology-MCTT test and maintenance management

指導教授 : 林鎮洋


本研究區域位於翡翠水庫集水區上游,近年來水庫水質問題逐年惡化中,主要為非點源污染(Non-point source pollution),為了能更全面性的對集水區污染做管控,狹義的管控氮、磷濃度是不夠的;國外文獻中針對暴雨逕流污染物處理,以重金屬、固體物甚至毒性物質,對於一些較特殊的區域,集水面積小,地表以不透水鋪面為主,包括停車場、加油站、修車廠、車輛維護站等,將這些區域定義為熱點區域(Hot Spots),暴雨過後夾帶大量重金屬與毒性物質,若未經處理而排放至承受水體,對暴雨初期瞬間造成水體水質影響甚鉅。 研究場址於翡翠水庫集水區內之坪林行控中心,進行國內非點源熱點區域管理試驗,參考美國環保署針對熱點區,以新型非點源處理技術-多槽處理設施(Multi-Chambered Treatment Train,MCTT)作為處理方式,延續96~97年度之前人研究,自98年6月底開始更換過濾槽濾料與各槽體之清理維護,操作時間半年共蒐集5場暴雨資料,由濃度去除法計算各項污染物削減,SS 76.5%、銅89.3%、溶解性銅72.2%、鉛94.5%、溶解性鉛71.7%、鋅76.5%、溶解性鋅70.8%,惟獨濾料更換後釋出色度與有機物質,導致總磷、氨氮與COD濃度不減反增,原因為新填入濾料含鐵、錳離子濃度較高,使出流水呈黃棕色造成氨氮與總磷去除效率不佳。彙整96~98年坪林行控中心MCTT三年的平均去除效率,其中SS 76.9%、COD 3.7%、總磷26.1%、氨氮13.2%、銅89.3%、溶解性銅56.9%、鉛94.5%、溶解性鉛52.0%、鋅76.5%、溶解性鋅67.5%、油脂14.6%。 與國外案例比較,本土MCTT之SS去除率相當,而營養鹽與COD去除成效較差,另MCTT所著重之銅鉛鋅等重金屬部分(含溶解性)去除率在50%~95%之間,亦不亞於國外之試驗數據;此外,本研究亦嘗試分析MCTT對於鎘鉻鎳等微量金屬之處理效率,結果顯示研究場址微量元素含量不高,低於國內甲類水質標準,但仍對微量元素有相當之去除效率。本研究也參考國外BMP清理維護相關文獻,搭配一年來場址實際操作試驗,訂定適合坪林行控中心場址的維護管理操作表,以提供後續研究之參考依據。


The study area is located in the upstream area of the Feitsui Reservoir Watershed. In recent years, water quality of the reservoir has become worse mainly because of non-point source pollution. It is not enough to control nitrogen and phosphorus concentration. According to international research about disposal of stormwater runoff, heavy metals, solids and toxic substances, pollution is different from the traditional BMP research. Such type of areas, mainly including parking lots, gas stations, vehicle service facilities and equipment storage, and maintenance area are named “hot spots”. Although the area of a hot spot is usually small, the untreated high-concentration runoff along with storm events would result in receiving water pollutions. The research site was placed at the parking lot of the Ping-Lin Expressway Management Station. According to the U.S.EPA research, we utilized a new technology, “Multi -Chambered Treatment Train, MCTT” as a method of non-point source treatment. Since 2009, June we started the replacement of filter tank and cleaned the tank for maintenance. In this paper, we had collected five storm events at the MCTT site during six-month operation. Pollutant removal was calculated by using the removal rate (RR) methods. Results show the following removal efficiencies:SS 76.5%, Cu 89.3%, Cu (filtered) 72.2%, Pb 94.5%, Pb (filtered) 71.7%, Zn 76.5%, Zn (filtered) 70.8%. It also presents that outflow color and organic substances result in increase of TP, NH3-N and COD concentrations. It is because that Fe and Mn concentration in the filter tank was higher. According to the average removal efficiency gathered by Ping-Lin MCTT from 2007 to 2009, removal efficiencies are as follows:SS 76.9%, COD 3.7%, TP 26.1%, NH3-N 13.2%, Cu 89.3%, Cu (filtered) 56.9%, Pb 94.5%, Pb (filtered) 52.0%, Zn 76.5%, Zn (filtered) 67.5%, Oil 14.6%. Compared with international research data, SS removal efficiencies gathered by Ping-Lin MCTT are similar to international research results. Only nutrients and COD removal inefficiently is lower than international research results. In this paper, the removal efficiency of Cu, Pb, and Zn (including filtered heavy metal), is from 50% to 95%. This paper also analyzes trace metal Cd, Cr, and Ni. It shows that the concentration of these trace metal at the study site is not high but still has good removal efficiency. According to the foreign dissertations about BMP cleaning and maintenance, coupled with one-year operation test, we set an applicable management operation table for Ping-Lin MCTT for follow-up maintenance and future management reference.


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