  • 學位論文


A Study on the Students’ Learning Satisfaction of Industrial -Academic Cooperation Plan in Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 張仁家


「產學攜手合作計畫」目的為「結合產業界的設備與研發能力,強化技職學校師生專業實務能力,縮短學用差距,落實特殊類科人才培育、滿足缺工產業人力需求,助於解決產業所需技術及專業人力之問題」,此計畫自95學年度迄今,經過多次修正後,其學生學習滿意度如何? 本研究採問卷調查法,問卷乃研究者自行編制並請專家審查修訂之「高職產學攜手合作計畫專班學生學習滿意度問卷」,並以99學年度高職產學攜手合作計畫專班學生為研究對象,共計發放1230份問卷,有效問卷1008份,有效回收率為82%。所得資料以SPSS套裝統計軟體進行描述性統計、單一樣本t考驗、區間判定、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析以瞭解高職產學攜手合作計畫專班學生的整體學習滿意度情形和探討不同背景變項對於學習滿意度的影響。後得到以下結論: 一、目前高職生攜手合作計畫專班之整體學習滿意度與六向度學習滿意度皆為中等程度滿意,並以「學習成果」較高。 二、學習滿意度中以「對於職場的工作設備」、「就讀產學攜手專班後強化專業技能程度」與「就讀產學攜手專班後更了解自己未來生涯規劃程度」三題項的滿意度程度較高。 三、學習滿意度中以「對於職場的工作環境」、「對於對職場提供的薪資、加班費、年終」與「就讀產學攜手專班後,助於提升問題解決能力程度」三題項的滿意度程度較低。 四、高職生攜手合作計畫專班學習滿意度,不受不同背景變項:「性 別」、「進路規劃」、「就讀模式」與「就讀領域」而有所差異。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the learning satisfaction of the Industrial- Academic Cooperation Plan in Vocational High School Students. The results of the findings were provided useful information to those schools and educational authorities which are conducting the Industrial – Academic plan. The researcher adopted questionnaire methodology and used “The Questionnaire of the Students’ learning Satisfaction of Industrial-Academic Cooperation Plan in vocational high school students.” The samples were drawn from the students in vocational high school in 2000 in Taiwan. There were delivery 1230 questionnaires and 1008 valid surveys were returned with the return rate of 82%. All data were analyzed with SPSS. To test and understand the differences and relations between the variables, descriptive statistics analysis, one sample t-test, one way ANOVA analysis, and independent sample t-test were used in this research. The main findings were as follows: 1. Students’ learning Satisfaction of Industrial-Academic Cooperation Plan was mid-level average. The highest studens’ learning satisfaction was “Learning Results” in all items. 2. “The equipment in working enviroment”, “The professional skills after joining the plan”, and “Knowing how to plan the career planning after joining the Industrial-Academic Cooperation Plan” were the three items with the highest level of satisfaction. 3. “The working environment”, “The workplace provides the salary, overtime pay, and year-end bonus”, and “The ability to solve the problem ” were the three items with the lowest level of satisfaction. There were not significant differences existed among different “gender”, different “career planning”, different “studying types”, and different “studying fields”.


