  • 學位論文


Evaluation Effectiveness of Permeable Pavement application to Parks-An Example in Youth Park

指導教授 : 鄭光炎 張寬勇


臺灣位處亞熱帶地區,都市開發密度愈來愈高,以致不透水表面大量增加,導致地表逕流的提高,整體都市水循環明顯的改變,以及每年年均溫不斷上升,造成洪水屢創新高及熱島效應也備受關注。因此,鋪設透水性鋪面即為一重要之改善方針。 為提昇市民生活品質及開放舒適的生活機能環境,各政府機關積極推廣透水性鋪面應用於人行道、自行車道、學校或停車廣場的同時,卻忽略了公園綠地區塊也是重要的一環。鑒此,本研究希望透過公園步道進行透水性鋪面效益之監測評估工作,藉由實務鋪設與更完善監測、累積更多經驗,用以瞭解其成效做為分析公園綠地內之適用情形,所以熱島效應、土壤水分涵養及入滲效益之影響即為本研究之目的。 首先,針對就目前現行透水性鋪面特性進行回顧探討,以及國內、外有關透水性鋪面應用於公園綠地之相關發展現況;而後,進行透水性鋪面現地試驗場地規劃及場地佈設工作,並埋設入滲量測相關儀器,求得透水性鋪面對於暴雨逕流抑制、增加地下水涵養與降低熱島效應之成效;最後,將現地試驗實測所記錄之相關數據資料,針對各雨場次、降雨條件不同等因素分別加以記錄、整理與彙整,以分析評估整體透水性鋪面入滲成效。 試驗成果,透水性鋪面之滲透效益良好,對於暴雨逕流量抑制具有相當成效,但在熱能方面,因試驗區位於青年公園草坪步道區,為綠地區域,多有樹木林立遮蔽,相對的熱島效應影響沒有廣場或人行道來得差異大。


Taiwan is located in subtropical regions, and because of the higher density of urban development that may bring about some problems such as increasingly impermeable pavements is being used to increase surface runoff, significant changes for water circle in the urban area, continuing rising of annual average temperature to cause serious flood and the heat-island effects as well. Thus, for above issues, it can be seen the permeable pavement will be one of an important guideline for the improvement. In order to make better living quality for people and also have comfortable environment, the regional governments are actively to promote permeable pavement where use in sidewalks, bike lanes, school and parking lots. But meanwhile, they neglect that how important is for the green in the park. In view of this, the study we hope to have more experience and know the effectiveness of permeable pavement by having monitoring and assessment on the walk of the park. Therefore, knowing the impact of heat-island effect, soil moisture and infiltration efficiency are the purpose for this study. Firstly, to review and discuss for the characteristics of permeable pavement as well as domestic and overseas development of the permeable pavement where apply in the parks. After that, working on the site scheme for permeable pavement and setting infiltration measurement equipment to obtain the result of permeable pavement for restraint of strom runoff, increases effectiveness of the groundwater and heat-island effect. Finally, the relevant data is measured from the laboratory space, it against the every raining day’s different rainfall conditions and other factors to record, sort, and consolidate, which can analyse and evaluate the overall effectiveness of permeable pavement infiltration. The result shows that the effectiveness of permeable pavement is very well, and it’s useful to restrain the storm runoff. Because of the laboratory space is in the Youth Park’s walk where is a green zone and have more tree-lined shelter. Comparatively, the difference for heat-island effect is not obviously than square or sidewalk.


Permeable Pavement Runoff Heat Island


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