  • 學位論文


A Research on Adopting RFID Technology to Support Production Management System of The Footwear Industry

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


全球知名品牌各類鞋款,大多數都委由台商製鞋工廠代工。製鞋工業是一個勞力密集的產業,加上以代工為營運核心,利潤率通常是在整個供應鏈裡最低的一層。勞工成本、國家稅務政策、外匯變化影響這個產業甚巨。台商面臨經營上巨大壓力,包含成本、速度、彈性、服務及整合的壓力,加速管理及自動化的改善,才是台商製鞋業永續經營的利器。 管理改善的首要任務,是推行精實生產。本研究以精實鞋廠為基礎,分析製鞋產業傳統生產模式與精實生產模式的差異。並建立一套生產管理系統,輔以RFID的設備,自動蒐集生產過程中的派工指示、完工回報、在製品數量資訊。 經實作系統分析比較,生產管理系統及RFID生產資訊蒐集的導入,可以減少非生產性的間接人員人數;減少因人工作業下產生的資訊錯誤;即時分析生產線上的生產數據;自動化的提昇及創新,增進與客戶合作關係。


Taiwanese shoemaking is the OEM for the international brands. The shoe industry is a labor- intensive, operating the OEM as business core, therefore, the profit margin usually is in the entire supply chain the lowest level. However, the labor cost, the national tax affairs policy, and the exchange rate are indeed affect this industry. This businesses face huge pressure, such as cost, speed, elastic, service and integrated. Therefore, to improve management and automated is shoe industry’s only way. To improve and upgrade the management, the first mission is implementing a Lean Production System. This thesis takes base on the Lean System s, to analyze the traditional shoemaking and lean production to study the manufacturing differences, and establish a production system, auxiliary by RFID, automatically collect all information, such as when to assign work order, work finished, and WIP.


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