  • 學位論文


The Application of Web2.0 in Green Supply Chain SaaS Platform in IT Industry

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


在歐盟綠色環保法令規範下,為了處理一連串相關研發選料流程、零件審查流程、供應商稽核管理、綠色文件管理等相當耗費時間與心力之活動。因此,實務中導入專案式綠色供應鏈資訊系統處理流程,但經過本研究探討後發現綠色供應鏈仍存在著,規模與承認流程複雜等問題點。因此本研究希望透過SaaS快速建置帄台與獲得隨選即用軟體的好處及方便性,提升綠色供應鏈管理之效率與資訊透通度。因而建置資訊電子產業SaaS-based綠色供應鏈資訊帄台,並進一步探討應用Web2.0於SaaS-based資訊帄台的可能性,最後以情境分析與模糊德爾菲法進行帄台的驗證,其結果將可提供資訊服務提供者作為參考依據。 結合Web2.0的部落格、Wiki、FB等強調開放、分享與互動的應用,強化SaaS資訊服務帄台以達到資源分享與資訊透明。本研究的成果與貢獻為,經由文獻整理與訪談中歸納出Web2.0部落格與Wiki之運作情境,觀察出Blog與Wiki能提高雙方的互動能力,RSS讓資訊傳遞更加迅速,FB能有效應用在產品宣傳及達到群聚效應,幫助品牌商更掌握住客戶需求,強化彼此的關係。


Under Environmental protection laws and regulations by the EU, it is very difficult and spend a lot of time to deal with a series of election materials, part reviewing process, supplier audit, and document management. Therefore, enterprises implement the green supply chain information system to handle the procees between GSCM in practical. However, this study found that there are some problems in GSCM such as the size of coporation and the complexity of recognition process. Therefore, this purpose of this study is to construct a green supply chain SaaS platform in IT industry and eager to benefit the convience from SaaS model that enhances the efficiency of GSCM process and makes information transparency .Besides, in the further research we focus on the application of Web2.0 in SaaS-based IT platform.Using scenario analysis and fuzzy delphi method to verify the SaaS model. In conclusion, the result may be provided to information service providers as a reference.By Connection of Web2.0 tool such as blog, Wiki, FB, which stressed out the open- shared interactive applications enhance SaaS information services platform to achieve sharing resource and information transparency.




