  • 學位論文


Self-assembly, Structures, and Properties of Coordination Polymers Based on Piperazine or Triazole Ligand

指導教授 : 曾添文 呂光烈


本論文分兩部分 (一) 水熱自組裝合成含pyridine與carboxylate之配位聚合物: 利用4,4’-dipyridylpiperazine (dpyp)和三種羧酸配子與鈷金屬離子,進行水熱自組裝合成,得到配位聚合物 1-4。以L-aspartic acid配子反應得到{[Co(dpyp)1.5(C3H6NO2)Cl]•Et2O•DMF}n (1),以L-tartaric acid配子反應得到[Co(dpyp)Cl2]n (2),以2,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acid配子反應得到{[Co4(2,4-pydc)4(H2O)10]}n (3) 及{[Co(dpyp)(H2O)4][Co(2,4-pydc)2(H2O)2]}n (4),若與鎳離子反應,則得到[Ni(2,4-pydc)(H2O)4] (5)。在第一部分共得到五個配位化合物,探討其結構及熱穩定性,並討論數種不同的羧酸配子對各項性質之影響。 (二) 室溫自組裝合成配位錯合物: 利用3-amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-carboxylic acid (atzc),分別與銦與鐵離子,以室溫擴散方式進行自組裝合成配位化合物6-7,與氯化銦反應得到配位化合物[Et3NH][In(atzc)4]•H2O (6),與硝酸亞鐵反應得到化合物[Fe(atzc)2(OH)]•4(H2O) (7)。第二部分得到兩個化合物,討論化合物之結構,並探討其具推拉電子效應對放光性質與介電性質之影響。


(1) Synthesis of coordination polymers under hydrothermal conditions : The treatment of transition-metal ions (CoII,NiII) with 4,4’-dipyridylpiperazine (dpyp) ligand and three kinds of carboxylic acid ligand (L-aspartic acid, L-tartaric acid, 2,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acid) in aqueous solution under hydrothermal conditions, leds to the formation of coordination polymers 1-5. We have successfully synthesized five complexes {[Co(dpyp)1.5(C3H6NO2)Cl]•Et2O•DMF}n (1), [Co(dpyp)Cl2]n (2), {[Co4(2,4-pydc)4(H2O)10]}n (3), {[Co(dpyp)(H2O)4][Co(2,4-pydc)2(H2O)2]}n (4), [Ni(2,4-pydc)(H2O)4] (5). Compounds 1-3 are 1D chain structures. The structure of compound 4 is comprised of 1D chains structure and accompied with discrete monomers. Compound 5 is a monomer. Compounds 3 and 4 are obtained by adjusting the pH values of the basic solvent used. (2) Self-assembly of metal-organic complex under room temperature : Treatment of 3-amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-carboxylic acid (atzc) with metal ions (InIII and FeIII) under room temperature, leads to the formation of complex [Et3NH][In(atzc)4]•H2O (6) and [Fe(atzc)2(OH)]•4(H2O) (7), respectively. The structures of compounds 6 and 7 are 0D monomer. Compound 6 possesses a asymmetric space group (I222). The dielectric properties and emission properties of 6 were studied.


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