  • 學位論文


Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Assess Reutilized Products for Fly ash Emitted from Coal-fired Power Station

指導教授 : 章裕民


本研究針對火力發電廠方面產生之飛灰進行討論。茲具體敍述如下:1.對火力發電廠所產生之飛灰,進行物理和化學特性之研究。2.應用層次分析法(AHP)建立飛灰資源再利用產品選定模式,以作為選定時之依據。3.透過專家問卷選出最佳飛灰資源再利用產品型式。 本研究以層次分析法(AHP)對電廠飛灰資源再利用應用產品選定型式的相對重要程度進行問卷評估,以20位環工界專家來進行評選,進以探討資源再利用應用產品的排序,以選擇最佳之應用產品。選定準則由電廠及飛灰再利用評估因子實際情況出發,從技術可靠性、工程效益、工程實績、環境衝擊四個方面進行考量。對電廠飛灰再利用常用之應用產品如環保水泥、人工骨材、生產複合肥料、陶瓷工藝、人工魚礁、電弧爐煉鋼副原料進行評選。 根據AHP分析法,本研究在明確对象後,發放問卷20份,有效回收問卷20份,有效問卷回收率100%。最終目標是通過彙集專家學者之意見,找出各個權衡因素之相對重要性的排序權重值比例,並確認各層次之比較矩陣與整體層次的一致性指標I.R.值(Inconsistency Ratio)小於0.10。進而評選出最優電廠飛灰資源再利用產品。問卷結果發現:I.R.值均不超過0.1,即符合一致性。即符合問卷上之可信度與有效度。 以Expert Choice11軟體輸入結果得知:六項應用產品相對於四個評估因子之排序權重值大小排序為:第一為環境衝擊(佔46.6%)、第二為技術可靠性(佔28.6%)、第三為工程效益(佔14.8%)、第四為工程實績(佔10.0%),這些數據顯示了飛灰製作這六項應用產品是否會對環境造成污染(環境衝擊)才是最重要的,第二才是這六項產品製作時的技術可靠性,再來是製作工程時是否達到經濟效益(是否能賺錢)排名第三,最後才是應用產品的實績,這說明飛灰產品在實務應用面上是否廣泛,不是首要重點。 以Expert Choice11軟體輸入結果得知:四個評估因子相對於六項應用產品之排序權重值,大小排序為:第一為環保水泥(佔28.8%),第二為人工骨材(佔18.0%),第三為人工漁礁(佔16.7%),第四為陶瓷工藝(佔13.5%),第五為電弧爐煉鋼副原料(佔12.3%),第六為複合肥料(佔10.6%),充分顯示環保水泥這項飛灰應用產品,不管是在技術可靠度方面、工程效益方面、工程實績方面、環境衝擊方面,均比其他應用產品來的優良,飛灰製作為環保水泥是最優的選擇,再來才是人工骨材,應用產品排名第二名;而環保水泥這項應用產品在四個評估因子中大小排序比較,第一名為工程效益(佔31.5%),第二名為環境衝擊(佔30.3%),第三名為工程實績(佔29.9%),第四名為技術可靠性(佔24.5%),這敘述了環保水泥製作時最在意其能達到高經濟效益,而技術是否可靠不是關鍵;而人工骨材這項應用產品在四個評估因子中大小排序比較,第一名為工程實績(佔20.0%),第二名為工程效益(佔18.5%),第三名為環境衝擊(佔18.2%),第四名為技術可靠性(佔16.7%),這說明了製作人工骨材最重要的是實務應用面上廣泛,而在技術可靠層面上是放最後來考量。


The discussion in this research is aimed at the fly ash which is produced in the respect of firepower generating station. The recounting is as follow: 1. With regard to the fly ash produced from firepower generating stations, researches on its physical and chemical characteristic are processed. 2. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to the setting up models of recycling products style-selecting, as the base of selecting. 3. Through the experts’ questionnaire, the best style of fly ash recycle products is chosen. This research carries on questionnaire evaluation on the importance about AHP to the style-selecting of fly ash resource recycle products from firepower generating station, selects the styles by 20 environmentally friendly engineering experts, discusses the sequences of resource recycle applied products, so that choose the best applied products. The selecting is from the view of the practical evaluating factors of firepower generating station and fly ash recycle, and in the view of 4 respects: technological reliability, engineering benefit, engineering efficiency, environment impact. Evaluations are processed to the commonly-used applied products of firepower generating station fly ash recycle, such as: environmentally friendly cement, man-made aggregate, composite fertilizer, ceramic technology, man-made fish shelter and material of electric arc furnace steelmaking. Based on AHP method, after the objects are determined, this research hands out 20 copies of questionnaire, recalls 20 copies back, with 100% of recovery. The final object is through collecting the idea of experts, to find out the sequence weighted value proportion of comparative importance of each evaluating factors, and determine the consistency ratio (I.R.) between the comparative matrix of various levels and the top class is less than 0.10. Whereat the best firepower generating station fly ash resource recycle product is chosen. The questionnaire discovers: all I.R. indexes are no more than 0.1, that is, according to the consistency. So it accords with the reliability and validity of questionnaire. Based on the results inputted by software Expert Choice11 we know: relative to the 4 evaluating factors, the weighted value sequence of 6 applied products is: firstly environment impact (46.6%), secondly technological reliability (28.6%), thirdly engineering benefit (14.8%), fourthly engineering efficiency (10.0%), which show that the most importance is if the producing of these 6 applied products with fly ash will result in environmental pollution, secondly importance is if the technological reliability of producing these 6 kinds of products, then is if the producing engineering can achievement economic benefit, finally is the efficiency of applying products, which proves that if the fly ash products will applied in practice widely is not the most importance. Based on the results inputted by software Expert Choice11 we know: relative to the 6 applied products, weighted value sequence of the 4 evaluating factors is: firstly environmentally friendly cement(28.8%), secondly man-made aggregate(18.0%), thirdly composite fertilizer(16.7%), fourthly ceramic technology(13.5%), fifthly man-made fish shelter(12.3%), sixthly material of electric arc furnace steelmaking(10.6%), which shows that the environmentally friendly cement is better than other applied products, with respects to the technological reliability, engineering benefit, engineering efficiency, environment impact. Environmentally friendly cement is the best choose of fly ash production, then the second man-made aggregate; and the sequence of environmentally friendly cement in the 4 factors is: firstly engineering benefit(31.5%),secondly environment impact(30.3%),thirdly engineering efficiency(29.9%),fourthly technological reliability(24.5%),which shows that the most importance of producing environmentally friendly cement is if it can achieve high economic efficiency, whereas the technology is not the key point;While the sequence of man-made aggregate in the 4 factors is: firstly engineering efficiency(20.0%),secondly engineering benefit(18.5%),thirdly environment impact(18.2%),fourthly technological reliability(16.7%),which proves that the most importance of producing man-made aggregate is if it can be applied to the practice widely, whereas the technological reliability is considered at last.


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