  • 學位論文


An Integrate Technology of Reducing Algae Breeding and Reproduction in Water Bodies

指導教授 : 張添晉


水源保護與水資源回收再使用之概念已逐受重視,然而在下水道系統尚未普及的台灣,廢污水直接排放匯流自然水體導致水體營養鹽含量驟增,衍生藻類大量滋長繁殖之情形,進而影響後續之淨水與供水系統。在工業廢水方面,亦因化學物質之使用致廢水儲槽營養鹽物質之累積,因而促進藻類生長而不利後續之廢水再利用。因此本研究針對藻類去除與抑制技術進行探討與試驗,期能尋找最適切且有效之方式,提供相關機構面臨與遭遇藻類問題時能有更多選擇與替代方案。   本研究採以超音波、紫外線及遮蔽等技術以及其相關組合搭配之方式,進行除藻與抑藻成效之實驗。據實驗原水水質檢測結果說明,pH、溫度、濁度、溶氧、藻類濃度、總磷及硝酸鹽氮與水中藻類細胞數呈正相關之關係,而氨氮、正磷酸鹽、凱氏氮及氮磷比之參數則與水體藻類細胞數呈負相關之關係。在除藻與抑藻效果方面,以紫外線及其相關組合技術之效果最佳,於處理期間一天內即可獲得98 %以上之去除率,並於四天內即可將藻類細胞完全去除,且期間無藻類再滋長之情形產生。就處理成效而言,超音波與遮蔽為最具效益之處理技術,每瓦耗電量可去除0.17 %之藻類,相當於可去除1,899 cells/L之藻類細胞。


Water soureces conservation and recycling has become more and more important. However, sewer system is not well construct in Taiwan, wastewater directly discharge lead to nutrient concentration upsurge and derivative algae blooms, and affect the follow-up water clean and supply systems. In industrial, using chemical substances cause water tank nutrients accumulated, promoting algae growth and unfavorable for follow-up wastewater reusing process. Therefore, this study focuses on algae removal and prevention techniques, and to experiment, hoping to find the most appropriate and effective methods, provide relevant industry to have more choices and alternatives to face algae problem. This study used ultrasound, ultraviolet and shielding techniques and their combinations to experiments. According to experimental results, raw water quality, pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, algae concentration, total phosphorus and nitrate nitrogen were positively correlated with the number of algae cells, while ammonia nitrogen, orthophosphate, total Kjeldahl nitrogen and the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient were negatively correlated with the number of algae cells. In algae removal, ultraviolet and its combinations were have the most effective, during the day more than 98 % removal rate, and in four days can remove algae cells completely, and there was no algae regrowth during the experiments period. In treatment effectiveness, ultrasound combained with shelter is the most effective treatment technology, moreover, 0.17 % algae was removed per each watt, equivalent removing 1,899 cells/L algae cells.


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