  • 學位論文


A Study of WEEE Recycling and Material Supply System

指導教授 : 張添晉


鑑於現行國內資源回收體系間廢電子資訊物品物料供應系統尚待強化,本研究主要目的為提昇國內廢電子資訊物品處理機構循環再利用成效,希冀藉由產業現況分析,進而探討國內循環再利用管理策略,以建構廢電子資訊物品物料供應系統。透過主管單位提供統計數據分析及文獻蒐集方式,針對國內相關產業進行基本現況之資料分析,進而釐清廢電子資訊物品各項目產出物及回收處理機構產出物之數量,期瞭解產業總體狀況及相互關係。 本研究實際蒐集國內外相關產業之回收處理現況,包含處理機構有害物質之回收處理技術及基礎規範;綜觀國際間透過環保標章之驗證制度,包含美國EPEAT及瑞典TCO Certified Edge等,皆要求產品使用再生料,藉以探討後續物料循環再利用管理策略及發展潛勢,最終導入搖籃到搖籃(Cradle to Cradle)概念建構廢電子資訊物品物料供應系統。 依研究結果顯示,目前國內廢電子資訊物品處理廠資源回收利用比率高達80%,均符合目前法規之規定;產出物中廢塑膠、電線、壓縮機、馬達以及印刷電路板等產量大及再生利用價值高,廢電子資訊物品產出物主要輸出國為中國,含金屬之印刷電路板廢料及其粉屑為最高;考量提昇處理廠資源回收再生利用比率情形下,亦能符合經濟效益,未來處理機構可採研究與發展並重策略,朝整合型資源回收體系發展,積極突破現今發展上的瓶頸,獲取較高利潤與持續穩定之成長,本研究成果可供主管機關擬訂廢電子資訊物品回收處理之管理參考,更可作為回收處理機構提昇廢電子資訊物品循環再利用參考依據。


As the current waste recycling system Material Supply System of WEEE isn’t fully developed in Taiwan. The purpose of this project was promoting the recycling efficiency of waste treatment organizations for waste electrical and electronic appliances. In order to effectively achieve the objective of this project and assist policy-making for government, this study mainly contains the following aspects investigation on the quantity and information of derived waste and regenerated materials for the waste electrical and electronic appliances that circulate in Taiwan; and searching for foreign recycling technology and establishing a management system of hazardous substances including recycling rate. Establishing refinery technology system for the derived waste and the regenerated materials and then through the integration of current recycling and reuse agents. Establishing a materials supply system “Cradle to Cradle,” and providing guidance and assistance for waste treatment agents to promote their recycling performance. According to the survey results, that reuse ratio of the waste electrical and electronic appliances is 80% at the present situation. The market prices of reused appliances are not clear as a result of information enclosure by private agents. Waste plastics, wires, compressors, motors and printed circuit boards have large generation with high values therefore they can be integrated into the two improving schemes for further recycling promotion. China is the major receiving countries for waste electrical and electronic appliances, mostly metallic printed circuit board scraps and fenxie. Manual dismantling is the major processing method in China. The waste treatment agents should adopt a strategy of engaging in research and development towards an integrated resource recycling system development, and agressively develop for a breakthourgh in order to obtain higher profits and stability of growth. The short-term goal is to upgrade resource recycling of waste treatment agents; the medium-term goal is to improve resource recycling technology aggressively. In the long run, it is expected to expand the market of resource recovery as the ultimate goal.




