  • 學位論文


The study of setting the construction Priorities for the Broadband Channel Network applying by analytic network process

指導教授 : 王隆昌


美國、日本、韓國等先進國家為提升資訊通訊產業發展競爭力,皆積極推出國家型之寬頻政策,在全球爭相建設光纖寬頻之大趨勢下,我國政府亦制定了5年(2005~2009年)300億6,000公里之寬頻建置計畫,積極追趕先進國家的腳步,企圖達到光纖到府(Fiber to the home, FTTH)的目標。 國內為加速寬頻網路鋪設,以有效解決最後一哩之問題,目前由營建署負責推動的全國寬頻管道建置計畫,係採中央補助地方經費的方式辦理,各地方政府為實際執行單位,地方政府依採購法之程序委託技術顧問公司統籌規設及監造等工作,但囿於建置計畫金額龐大且規設時程短促,規劃單位面臨專業人力缺乏、工程經驗不足等問題,且各顧問公司多各行其事,規設品質良莠不齊,尤其路網評選關係著未來區域整體路網的整合,因此路網評選品質為未來是否能有效發揮寬頻管道建置計畫整體效益之關鍵所在。 鑑此,本研究針對國內寬頻管道路網評選之問題進行探討,並蒐集相關寬頻文獻,分析台灣地區寬頻管道整體規劃案例,配合專家訪談、問卷調查等方式,就寬頻管道路網評選過程進行深入探討及研究後,運用多準則決策觀念,整合戴爾菲法與分析網路程序法,建構一套寬頻管道路網評選模式,並透過實證分析,驗證模式之可行性。期望本評選模式能提供相關單位於路網規劃時之參考,以達到M計畫建設之整體效益,進而提升國家競爭力。


America、Japan、Korea these advanced countries in order to improve the development of information and communicate industry, all try to carry out a nation broadband policy. By this trends, Taiwan made a plan for5 years (2005~2009) 、 budget 30billions $NT for constructing 6,000km broadband channel. Attempt to catch up those advanced countries and Fiber to the home ( FTTH) goal. In order to speed up lay broadband network infrastructure to solve the problem of last mile. Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior is in charge of build the broadband channel project, central government give budget for local government constructing broadband channel. Due to the mass budget and short time, planning departments are facing the problem lack of personnel and construction experiences. Most of consult company do their own, the quality of planning are not the same. Especially, evaluateion for road network involves future network integration. Thus, the quality of evaluation for road network play an important role of whole effectiveness. Thus, the study discussed the problem of evaluation for broadband channel road network.By collecting the relative broadband studies 、 expert interview and questionnaire to analyze the cases of Taiwan Broadband Channel. After several studies and discussions use the concept of Multiple Criteria Decision Making then integrate Delphi and analytic network process. Set up a evaluation model of broadband channel road network, to test and verify the feasibility of the model. Expect the model can provide relative unit to increase the whole effectiveness of M project and the competitiveness of Taiwan.


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