  • 學位論文


Steering quality control of pipe jacking in soft soil deposit

指導教授 : 倪至寬


在台灣都市地區地面下早已佈滿眾多維生管線且遷移困難,現今選用中大管徑推進工法得以改善,但掘進機在軟弱土層常因遭遇流木、基樁、地下建築物、掘進機頭面盤受困等地下障礙,除了機械本身性能無法克服外,係因推進時造成方向偏移狀態,較具經驗之操作手可降低地質因素造成之蛇行修正問題及精準控制方向,但此推進技術卻無一標準線性控制可供參考。優良的推進作業操作手,必須經由長時間的訓練及經驗累積,才得以應付困難地下障礙,因此,本研究將針對掘進機於軟弱土層中掘進之線形控制進行研究。 本文以四種不同的掘進機型式,進行機械控制以及線形控制的深入探討,內容包括:(1)推進偏移軌跡與方向修正控制軌跡之最佳線形控制模式 (2)將本研究18段數值與蔡諭章(2007)卵礫石層的9段數值相互比較,探討不同掘進機及地盤對線形控制系統之影響;可提供業界於現場推進專業線形管理之參考依據,進而提高掘進機線形控制技術。


This is have already covered the ground under the pipeline and the migration of many difficulties in Taiwan, The widely used pipe jacking method can be improved, but encountered by driftwood, underground buildings, microtunnelling Trapped underground obstacles , instead of machine drilling in the past owing to the performance of instrument itself and difficult trajectory control as well as lacking of standard operating procedure. The study focuses on the steering quality control for pipe jacking in soft soil and collects a series of field data of different drilling machines, including OKUMURA and ISEKI , further understanding the interaction between its trajectory and adjustment of drilling direction. The following topics for pipe jacking are discussed such as (1) microtunnelling to modify control trajectory and direction of the best steering quality control mode (2) The value of this 18 case study and Yu-Chang Tsai(2007), the gravel layer 9 case study compared with each other to explore the different microtunnelling and trajectory on the steering control system.the study concludes that the trajectory controlling system and standard operating procedure for microtunnelling should be established through previous engineering practices further to improve its skill and quality as well as to be a criterion.


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